What is Nostr?

Hi, I'm WandaLee58/myephereisweird, a very talktative and chaotic dive, korean girl group and metal/rock band enthusiast that likes to post randum stuff :)

Posts or repeats may vary from original works, fanart, memes, photo edits, musical compositions, mashups/remixes, video game related content, random thoughts and day-to-day events.

I also use SpaceHey and Matrix (for socials) if anyone's interested lol
Alt of banner: avenged sevenfold and ive spliced together in what looks like to be an abandoned, crusty ahh building. The outfits are either dark colored or denim-themed with sneakers (except for Wonyoung and Leeseo; Wonyoung is wearing heels while Leeseo is like in those clunky crocs-like shoes).
Alt of profile: Wonyoung in a black dress, beside the vocalist of the band Avenged Sevenfold doing cool rockstar poses lawl. the color scheme is red, gray and black with some butterflies and sparkles.

Also if anyone's curious or something, I'm a material gworl humanoid egg 💅 that uses she/her pronouns (cisgender) sooooooo

Favorite colors: Pink, Purple, Black
Hobbies: drawing, writing, making remixes or mashups
music account 🥰: https://funk.gravitywell.xyz/channels/myephereisweird
art room: https://padlet.com/myephereisweird/teh-art-room-5natgruh60bfja40
some stuff about me!: https://wandaland.straw.page
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