Avatar is a blue and yellow heart crocheted the weekend after Russia invaded Ukraine. Header is a picture of a part of a crocheted tablecloth with grapes and leaves charted out.
"tags": [
"content":"{\"name\":\"Mary Margaret 🇨🇦🌈🇺🇦 ☮️ 🍸\",\"about\":\"Faded flower child, left of centre, eccentric interests! \\n\\nAlso on Mastodon Party! \\n\\n#crochet\\n#canada\\n#cake\\n#yorkies\\n#cats\\n#wales\\n#barmouth\\n#hamilton\\n\\nAvatar is a blue and yellow heart crocheted the weekend after Russia invaded Ukraine. Header is a picture of a part of a crocheted tablecloth with grapes and leaves charted out.\",\"picture\":\"https://cdn.mastdn.ca/accounts/avatars/109/814/042/826/360/608/original/4043545a7e86808c.jpg\",\"banner\":\"https://cdn.mastdn.ca/accounts/headers/109/814/042/826/360/608/original/2c50e7b3ae9cca46.jpg\",\"nip05\":\"Babcia54_at_mstdn.ca@mostr.pub\"}",