What is Nostr?
Square peg in a juicy world. Interested in most matters. Bored by some. I will listen to and evaluate the craziest ideas and theories. Since we are running out of conspiracy theories that do not turn out to be true, I’m always on the hunt for new ones.

I believe in the importance of fitness, carnivore / carnivore based diet, intermittent fasting and prepping because it’s fun and actually useful. I defend our rich Western culture with vigor and pride at all times.

Disclaimer: I don’t hate anyone. I believe in compassion and respect and letting others live their lives as they wish. While I may mildly dislike certain people and actively avoid others, hatred is an entirely different ballgame—one I choose never to participate in.

I don’t wish harm on anyone. We’re all in this shared experience together, and it’s far better to be kind to one another and support each other along the way.

That said, I reserve the freedom to choose what I think and say, always ensuring it doesn’t infringe on the freedom of others. I also reserve the right to decide with whom I spend my time, energy, and resources.
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