What is Nostr?
2023-10-30 03:23:39
in reply to nevent1q…3urp

The_Beave on Nostr: Heya, Duchess! That's just me. Especially if I'm in a good conversation, that's just ...

Heya, Duchess!

That's just me. Especially if I'm in a good conversation, that's just the thing that I prefer. It does make me an odd duck in many places on the internet which is especially strange since I'm a beaver, an entirely different species than a duck. But here we are... LOL

Lists are powerful tools. You've realized this, and others have not, or at least they don't appreciate the effort it takes to put together a good list. So, I think you're weird thing is akin to a superpower! Go you!

Since you are also putting thought and effort into this, it is the least I can do. You are genuinely trying to help me and I know I can use help, so I am going to take this in good faith and put effort into it to see what happens. The worst case is I have a very pleasant conversation with a lovely lady. The best case is that I do start to improve my life and health. There's really no down side, is there?

I do tend to be more oblivious than most, regarding myself. I have been trying 556 pay more attention to what I'm thinking and feeling, since I am sure that will help me to nip issues in the bud before they blow out of proportion. I can't say I'm good at that yet, but, it is something I know that needs to be improved for my life to also improve.

I am going to remain cautious about new growth. If it is uncontrolled, then growth gets messy and it may choke the life out of me, and I'd rather be on guard with pruning shears at the ready to trim things into a healthy balance.

You're welcome. And it really is my pleasure! You're delightful, deep, and insightful. It's a fairly heady combination!

I used to disregard people more readily, but one good thing about maturing (at least a little) is that I have come to accept that everyone can teach me something, even if it is not their intent. I also know I don't know too much, even if I do have hunches that I'm correct. Well, there are some things I am very convinced that I'm correct about, but it rarely makes sense to run around shouting, "I'm right and you're wrong, neener-neener!" Even if I am, no one is going to listen to that manner of purporting myself. So, reflecting on how little I know helps keep me humble, because the Lord knows I was anything but in my youth. I'm still not sure how anyone put up with me let alone looked me back then...

Being oblivious has its advantages. LOL! I'd never know if someone was interested in me if they didn't state that explicitly, and also probably repeatedly.

Yes, I did get you! But, in this case, is a positive thing. :) Being rooted in care abd understanding is not something easy to achieve, at least not consistently for most. I think that shows a real heart for improving others lot in life, not just by giving so much, but helping them realize that there is Igarashi much they can do to improve their own selves.

My ability to reflect on myself seems to diminish with the seriousness of the relationship I'm in. That's genuinely a concern of mine for any future relationship. I am more aware of it than I used to be, but I think that my future companion would also need to remind me, preferably without nagging, that I might be slacking on that effort at times. I do get caught up in the status quo, since I value consistency. Most can't stand that, but I like iteratively improving on healthy routines. (That's of the reasons I'm so darn good at my job.)

If nothing else, hearing from many sources that I should not give up on my hopes of finding a good life companion is refreshing and reassuring, even if it is a bit unsettling. (That's not always a bad thing, as too much settling is not good for anyone.)

I definitely am not unique in most of my struggles, and that is, I supposed, a comfort in and of itself. I am human, with human issues, concerns, fears, desires, and hopes. In that regard, I am normal, and as such, these things are solvable and fixable.

As for why I get so down on myself, it's mostly because I'm a thick sod. LOL! But, I will try to change that perspective bit by bit.

I repeat: You're welcome! Thank you for sharing yourself!

Free will is a frustrating topic to me. I've given up bothering to find deeper on that until I own a few other things first. Some philosophical topics make me throw my hands up in the air in disgust and want to walk away! LOL! But, yes, we have it and I can exercise my fair share of it, though, as mentioned before, it would be better to start moving the needle to the positive side of things, even if slowly. I'm glad to have a nostr friend like you! ❤️‍🔥🫂😊

Strangely enough, I'm usually a walking peace-purveyor. I've been told too many times that I am a pleasantly calming influence on nearly anything I'm involved with, most especially in person. That and I'm a huggable lump, and most people don't get enough hugs, so, I try to do my part to increase the hug ratio in the world. This is despite my inner angst, too. Why? 🤷 It does make for a more pleasant living experience, and with everything being so crazy, the world could use more peaceful interactions.

I served with a lot of good people that were abused by the system for no good reason and are now permanently disabled both physically and probably mentally.

I'm not comfortable sharing details of my time in service publicly, but if you would like to know more, I'm open to chatting about that cute other means if you wish.

Oh yes. 100% American. Fell for all the patriotic BS, thinking we couldn't be making the world a worse place, or doing whatever for less up reasons to advance agendas so people could pocket literal boatloads of cash as the expense of people's lives and will being. I have been completely disabused of all of those notions... But gosh, I was dumb.

There's a funny story to tell about how ridiculous the army is, and I might tell that some other time.

No, I haven't. I tend to like Guy Ritchie's movies, though. They are usually deep and have many layers to unravel.

The VA (The Department of Veterans Affairs) is the second most failed branch of the federal government, in my not so humble opinion on this topic. I'm... Just going to leave it at that since I'm getting too angry thinking about what to say. It's just not good.

WHEN you write your book, I will read it. Until then, I respect your desire for anonymity.

Ouch... That is rough, but, like you said, losing like that can be the only means to teach us what we need to learn sometimes. It still sucks to go through. *hugs*

I'll put that book on my list. Thank you for t recommendation.

Gosh, IG was hard to give up. I didn't care about FB or any of the other networks I've tried, but IG, even with the awful algorithm, was my favorite. Nostr is kind of scratching that itch, but, dang it it isn't a lot more wholesome! I think it helps being an early enough adopter to see how it's growing and being able to participate with people who really want to be here, before the pool gets diluted.

Yeah, I can cook. Nothing fancy, but, most things turn out well. I tend to prefer simple meals that require a minimum of cleanup since I hate washing dishes. Gosh, that reminds me that I got a marriage proposal over my cooking, once. It was in jest, but it's been decades abd I still laugh about that when I think of it. LOL!
I'm comfortable grilling and doing basic cooking stuff. I'm not much of a baker, though, I can handle some things well, but not as well as my sisters.

I don't know if I'm worth marrying just because of my cooking skills, but, it's one other arrow on my quiver.

I have not tried carnivore yet. I will, though, I need some time to figure out where to source my meat. If I'm going to do that, I'm not going to feed myself the cheapest Walmart stuff I can find. I want to get good quality meat to maximize the positive benefits and minimize the possible harms. I'm also going to have to wait until after the holidays. Say what you want, but, my family is sometimes exceptionally skeptical of some of the things I try, like intermittent fasting, which I've been doinDoing for, gosh, 4 years now? I'm going to enjoy the end of the year feasts as normal and then I'll try carnivore for at least two months. The one big issue is storage space. I have a small refrigerator and freezer, so, I can't just buy a 1/4 beef for myself. And no, I don't have room for a separate freezer. (Yet. Eventually, but that's going to take a lot of work for another project.)

Your proscription is simple, yet wise. Mind and body do have an effect on each other, for sure. I can't argue that, though I do wonder about the purported strength of one vs the other.

If I ever achieve a state of better physical health, I might change my mind, but, for now, I'm not sure I can agree with you.

I hear about young women who want to live a life that's not within the current norm, but I've yet to meet one IRL. I do think that if I participate in communities like this where there are people open to more liberty oriented lives that I may possibly eventually find a woman like that, but, I still think that's a very long shot

Is good to hear that you are enjoying your life as it is now. That's better than being miserable all the time! Having friends that are alike is also a boon. You are blessed, abd I pray you continue to be able live well.

A for a woman who can teach me to love myself, I'm trying not to scoff at the notion since nearly anything is possible. I just see the odds of that being vanishingly small. Maybe that is just my self-doubt speaking again.

What's your favorite ballet? I've never seen one in person. While I like much of the music, and am immensely impressed with the perry) physical talents of those involved, I have never really connected to story through dance. I'd pick going to a production of any Shakespeare (aside from Romeo and Juliette, because gosh that's so dang overdone and ebbed though it took me much too long to realize that he was writing it as a parody of young, idiotic passions, I still don't want to be subjected to I ever again), play.

A woman walking into my life would be a miraculous event. Highly unlikely, still.

Commendable or not, self-awareness will continue to be a struggle, and maybe even more so if I don't choose to n act with consistency on that awareness. I don't want to do the equivalent of yo-yo dieting when it comes to my mental well-being. health

Authentic, deep, meaningful conversations are the best way to build a truly lasting companionship, I think. There are other ways to build that, but, at least for a man and a woman to come to terms with each other in a productive fashion, discussing things at length and in depth is better than most other methods if attendees) agreements can be reached.

Hmmm... I am on a path, I just am not sure where it is going yet. I want to have a clearer destination so I may choose my steps carefully, but there are so many things in flux, I'm not sure of the best ways to get where I think I want to go n

This is certainly a long thread. It is definitely the longest I've seen that's not about something technical. LOL!

Again, thank you for your time. I very much appreciate that!
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