expect to see a lot of manga, anime and videogames, a lot of cats, a little astrophotography and whatever else is going on in my life native eng + 少し日本語 fun things are fun let's be friends!
"tags": [
"content":"{\"name\":\":vibing_fast: kittymaxxing :vibing_fast:\",\"about\":\"expect to see a lot of manga, anime and videogames, a lot of cats, a little astrophotography and whatever else is going on in my life\\nnative eng + 少し日本語\\nfun things are fun\\nlet's be friends!\",\"picture\":\"https://fuwafuwa.town/files/28540df3-5ff5-42cb-a1e6-0c88bba5c41a\",\"banner\":\"https://fuwafuwa.town/files/a9263795-f274-4602-83d6-a8322900b3a5\",\"nip05\":\"rosey_at_fuwafuwa.town@mostr.pub\"}",