What is Nostr?
I'm a feral outlaw + natural anarchist not often inclined to do as I'm told + a student of anarchists, free spirits + self-organisers throughout culture + history.

This account is strongly pro sex and gender diversity, antiwork and anticapitalist because I write books about anarchy, the philosophy of self-organisation and direct action.

"We do not want to emancipate the people. We want the people to emancipate themselves" - Errico Malatesta

"Neither in a party or a group. Outside." - Zo d'Axa

gender/sexuality: non-binary and polyamorous
pronouns: any
politics: self-organisation 🏴‍☠️
read me at: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/wqumnj3zxs9sk7vcok3z4/h?rlkey=wnn1ud1aeydc5ihll9fw40kkv&st=jv57qe6z&dl=0
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