What is Nostr?
I rarely trust anything anyone else says about me so I doubt it’s appropriate to ask anyone to trust anything I say about me. If I’m even real. Perhaps I am the sum of my actions and written thoughts; you can read the latter here, but it’s up to you to judge whether itʼs of interest.

(But I’m likely to post about electronic musical technology, and amongst other things, more politics than I’d like, autism, disability, trans issues, and things little and large in the Hebrides, with pictures.)

Website: https://zasm.earth
Pronouns part 1: Grammar is a tool not a religion; speak kindly of me and I’ll speak kindly of thee.
Pronouns part 2: (But if you really want to be polite I’ll take they/them/their/theirs.)
On PeerTube: https://makertube.net/a/electropict
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