What is Nostr?
chaos enby — weird mix of genders — certified hottie — przytulany herbata

if it's important, please tell me via matrix — federation is frequently broken and messages get lost

*​:neocat_flag_nb:​​:neocat_flag_pan:​​:neocat_flag_polyam:​ ​:blobcat_blackbloc_flower:​ ​:blobcat_comfy_tea_woozy:​ ​:plantmage:​ ​:blobcat_cooking:​ ​:blobcat_comfy_reading:​ ​:xenia_laptop:​ ​:anarcho_hornyism:​*

**i am:** queer, enby, pansexual, polyamorous, neurospicy, vegan, anarchist, older than 30, white, **socially anxious**, depressed, punk
**i like:** tea, cuddles, pixel art, mixing salves and creams, gardening, cooking, reading, computer touching
i sometimes work on gentoo linux. i'm in hannover, germany. i'm naked, horny and lewd sometimes and i boost lewd posts. i don't like violence, even in role play.

Feel free to follow, my account is “locked” to filter out bots, meanies and so on. All public posts can be boosted.
Hammer-and-sickle wielders, RMS fans: Piss off. Do not share my photos or posts outside the Fediverse.

**You need to have a profile description if you want to follow me.**

languages: de, en (learning pl (super beginner level))
pronouns (en): they/them
pronouns (de): es/deren
www: https://tea.cuddleslut.fr/
book account: https://bookwyrm.social/user/tastytea
matrix: @ tastytea:tastytea.de
praise me: https://pleasepraise.me/tastytea
Public Key
NIP-05 Address
Profile Code
Author Public Key