What is Nostr?
*All official CREEnergy Oil & Gas Inc. Alberta 2007 Messages will be signed by this BTC wallet. No other wallet is authorized to receive funds. Any CREEnergy Accounts will also be sent signed by this wallet. Make sure this happens before any money is sent and verify the signature!

Founder David Calahasen
Official email is admin@creenergy.ca

The official public nostr key is
Acting Agent Seguesteguan public nostr key is

When enough Satoshi is gathered a lightning wallet will be established.
Business plan will be formulated with those that come to the table and when this is complete we will convene a formal meeting with the Cheifs, David Calahasen, Myself known as Seygesteguan. All dispute resolution will be under natural indigenous law and convened under the talking stick with a party as agreed by both parties, All money minus fees will be returned to the same wallets or accounts they were received if no deal is struck.
To benefit the people with their own resources of the land. Raise $10,00,000.00 CAD.*

BTC Wallet: bc1q9al7lddqtxqqtls74t40tjsqm6fye5p9upzx7n
Signed: Hx73GcsSFREyVXgpaSkTk8/EkXhbkfqjg0CCD9S79pnrVCPF+u5ygyURCsy1/IgbdW0eBEmmk80E0+UqOYc9Nr0=
Public Key
Profile Code
Publishing to
Author Public Key