My second computer was an IBM 360. My first Personal Computer sported a Z-80. Anybody else remember the significance "ED B0"? HINT: Assemblers are for wimps.
Sarchasm -- the gap between what I find funny and you find offensive.
Native born citizen and denizen of the late, great, Empire State; FEMA Region II.
"tags": [
"content":"{\"name\":\"Sir Dave of the Clay Pitts\",\"about\":\"My second computer was an IBM 360. My first Personal Computer sported a Z-80. Anybody else remember the significance \\\"ED B0\\\"? \\nHINT: Assemblers are for wimps.\\n\\nSarchasm -- the gap between what I find funny and you find offensive.\\n\\nNative born citizen and denizen of the late, great, Empire State; FEMA Region II. \\n\\nExecutive Producer: Episodes 1386 and 1482.\",\"picture\":\"\",\"banner\":\"\",\"nip05\":\"\"}",