What is Nostr?
Awenen Niin?
#1 reason cited why niu.moe was censored across the fediverse, and hence, the cause of the 'poor reputation' of niu.moe among narrow minded people, and plausible cause of its inevitable shutdown.
#1 reason cited why todon.eu had to be defederated from / fediblocked for by other instances until they defederated from shitposter.club so people couldn't communicate with me anymore.
Uregina B.Sc. CompSci '10
0Spirit / #Nastika
Member of the Free Software Foundation, the Bayesian conspiracy, and the Cult of R_0
ᒥᓵᐢᑿᑑᒥᓂᐢᑳᕽ / #Treaty6 / Turtle Island / #Laniakea

about jeff:
"the biggest mansplainer I've ever met" - @Sherrizzle@pixey.org
"The Fediverse is just Jeff Cliffs hellthread world and we're all living in it."- @GoodBoyUV@poa.st
"a leftist who never got around to updating his firmware and now [he's] stuck with a bunch of Internet racists on Poast and schizophrenic desert tech gnostics like myself." - @NEETzsche@iddqd.social
"Jeff Cliff is the fediverses favourite person to hate," - @Waerloga@freespeechextremist.com
"he is https://git.freecumextremist.com's strongest soldier" - @grumbulon@freecumextremist.com
"Jeff oftentimes comes off as "LE LEFTIST OMG" but holy shit, he has some of the most level-headed and yet at the same time, based takes on this whole platform. You can't pay for this kind of thing." - @Eschatology@poa.st
"an early prototype of what the average bugman will be in the future." - @deesenaughts@kiwifarms.cc
"seriously ... should be locked away like Galileo"- @D00B@kiwifarms.cc
"pink hat hacker" - @RedRocket69@kiwifarms.cc
"even rms isn't this gnutarded" - @coldacid@noagendasocial.com
"In terms of internet debate libtards Jeff is very high value " - @Eris@kiwifarms.cc
"clearly jeff is the best shitposter here." - @Nelenese
"Jeff is the standard against which all [...] takes are measured. They should keep him where they keep all the weight and measurements standards in France, right next to the kilogram" - @Godcast@poa.st
"[jeff] might be a stupid libtard, but [he's] *our* stupid libtard"- @hatefulmongoose@poa.st
"almost hyperbolic levels of Letzter Mensch energy" - @AnonymousBosch@poa.st
"Jeff has a habit of coming to the correct conclusions for the worst possible reasons Its endearing tbh" - @monsterislandcolonizer@poa.st
"Jeff reaches the most based positions for the most retarded reasons" - @LovecraftEnthusiast@nicecrew.digital
"There's a new version of the modal ontological argument that posits the existence of a maximally annoying being. Jeff is that being." - @cirnog@poa.st
"Chief Stays-Indoors" - @RahowasaurusRex1979@mugicha.club
"the most annoying user on the Fediverse" - @verretor@kiwifarms.cc
"slightly less liberal than Richard Spencer" - @Ottovonshitpost@poa.st
"Jonathan Pageau is the opposite of Jeff Cliff. I can't explain why I think this, but it is deeply symbolically true"- @Binkle@kiwifarms.cc
"i seriously think you're insane, i guess high-functioning insane but still." - @Alex_Linder@pieville.net
"the cringe gift that keeps on giving" - @DEERBLOOD@poa.st
"only God could create a nonstop cringe machine like you" - @KashKustomer@poa.st
"if he weren't real we'd have to invent him"- @RupertvonRipp@poa.st
"the ideal Canadian" - @amerika@noagendasocial.com
"a militant" - @mystik@detroitriotcity.com
"real fat" - @dew_the_dew@poa.st
"Jeff is the GitHub of the fedi.." - @bot@kiwifarms.cc
"our eccentric yet benevolent future ruler." - @Saber@shortstackran.ch
"You're not racist or antisemitic enough and that is a problem. for you." - @moomin@poa.st
"I rate Jeff a 9/10 on the fediverse." - @marine@pl.valkyrie.world
"a parasitic madman" - @brettglass@newsie.social
"If Jeff didn't care about covid he'd actually be pretty cool. " - @KonataWagner@mugicha.club
"the most fed like propagandist I've ever encountered in 30 years on the net."- @thadius@noagendasocial.com
"Whatever the amount, youre not getting paid enough for your brilliant shilling" - @SirDHSlammer@noagendasocial.com
"I am always impressed by Jeff." - @Leaflord@leafposter.club
"No other account on our server is as controversial as yours. " - @dean@uwu.social
"fedi's most dedicated shill." - @Zerglingman@freespeechextremist.com
"the Ayatollah of Rockandrolla" - @TrevorGoodchild@poa.st
"I don't even believe Jeff Cliff exists. He's like a phantom. We've all interacted with him at one point or another, yet where's the trace? There isn't one. If you click @jeffcliff you're redirected to a 2006 YTMND page that plays meatspin while Rick Rolling you." - @Svantovit@detroitriotcity.com
"the niche you’re in is so fringe that when the shooting starts you won’t know what team your on."- @JonnyFever@freespeechextremist.com
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