What is Nostr?
​:QueerCat_Lesbian:​ ​:trainsgender:​
The more unhinged and lesbian main of :agilis: agiLis :listram: :blobcatsnuggle: :madrid_metro: (≙) (npub18r3…n4ac)
she/her, late 20s, polyam (romantically saturated), lesbian, asexual, kinky (non-sexual), autistic
Academically qualified to discuss international politics with you, but I am sure as shit not going to.

Engaged to Completely Normaal Hausdorff Aaltonia (npub1746…edvc) ​:blobcatsnuggle:​ 🖤

Faithful devotee of the Cult of Lynx, I will post prayers, rituals, and other expressions of devotion, as well as thoughts about the evolution of my worship. Yes, I am the girl who walks around with prayer beads that you’ve heard about. And yes, this is my actual religion, or as close as anything could ever get.
Ask me about goddess! :3

There is quite a lot of kink posting on this account. I mainly post about non-sexual kink, because I always wished there was more representation for perspectives to kinkiness that don't center around sexuality. I will also repost lewd/kinky photos from my dedicated account for that. Feel free to interact, but don't be lewd at me without asking first.

“Lis is nothing but a mindless and silly cultist. clever in words, bright in prayer, smart in her way, sure. but any word she utters, any thought she makes public is an echo of my reality. she is a mere tool. with brilliant use, sure. but a tool nonetheless.” - [@bighatlynx](https://void.rehab/@bighatlynx )

Don't DM me unless we know each other.
I don't have a clear follow policy, but I'm selective. I don't want this account to grow too large - you're a lot more likely to be approved if we interacted in some form before or if I have a vague idea of who you are.

Train alt: :agilis: agiLis :listram: :blobcatsnuggle: :madrid_metro: (≙) (npub18r3…n4ac)
Train photos: Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lis (≙) (npub125n…j6wh)
Travel photos: Lis (≙) (npub1y9s…gjpq)
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