What is Nostr?
40ish they/them
Birthday: first Sat in October

As far as you know, I'm merely *pretending* to be a robotic housecat.

Watch me ride buses and talk about places they take me: https://patreon.com/everybusvlog
Alpha males/cryptobros/Muskrats DNI
Follows randomly
Faves liberally
Boost≠like, won't boost if asked to
Only speaks English (sorry)
Blocks un-CW'd politics or filter-busting (l*ke th*s) for self-care
I have RSD. Please be kind.

#NoArchive #NoIndex #NoSearch #NoAI #NoBridge #NoScrape

Yorkation: York, North Yorkshire, Yorkland, The United Kingdom of Great Yorkain and Northern Yorkieland
Pronouns: https://pronouns.cc/@CalAlaera
The Every Bus Vlog: https://patreon.com/everybusvlog
Follow requests are almost always accepted!: Have something not-hateful posted recently that I can read, don't be an autoposter or obviously harvesting my posts, and I'll accept you.
Public Key
NIP-05 Address
Profile Code
Author Public Key