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If you see this, say hi!

​:neocat_flag_trans:​ ​:neocat_flag_lesbian:​ ​:neocat_flag_polyam:​

I'm Emilia (with an E!) and I love to chat. DMs always open! ​:neocat_heart:​

Aside from chatting, I like programming (elixir, go, haskell), homelabbing and writing. I'm currently working on a trans romance novel.

I run EndeavourOS(Arch, btw) with KDE, Alacritty and zsh. Based Florp user, btw.

I've been a gamer since I was a kid (way too long ago). Some of my favorites are Nier Automata, Sekiro, and Cyperpunk 2077. My current rotation is a mix of League and The Bazaar.

I play a handful of instruments and studied classical & jazz through college. I currently play the bass guitar, tenor sax, and the drums.

Discord & matrix(ew) available on request!
Backup is @dfxluna@kitsunes.club
Pfp artist is 96yottea
Banner artist is Li Flag
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