"tags": [
"content":"{\"name\":\"Julius Schwartzenberg - Юліус\",\"about\":\"Working as a programmer with Luxoft. Primarily at ASML. Sometimes I am given the honor to conduct training at Luxoft Training.\\n\\nI enjoy using both GNU and Linux as a combination and also either of them independently :)\\n\\nSlavic languages are beautiful to listen to. Але одна найкраще всіх! Мені дуже приємно чути і розмовляти!\\n\\npronouns: he/hij/він\",\"picture\":\"https://media.mas.to/accounts/avatars/109/100/412/390/694/460/original/6664bd7dd79ff433.jpeg\",\"nip05\":\"jschwart@mas-to.mostr.pub\",\"fields\":[]}",