What is Nostr?
Musician, space geek, podcast producer, audio editor, interviewer, intellectual busybody, lowkey agitator

You can check out my music and creative work, and support me by becoming a patron, just like a wealthy Renaissance person, but better smelling: www.patreon.com/christinemalec
In collaboration with Audio Describer JJ Hunt, the Talk Description to Me podcast is some of my most valuable work, describing the visuals of current events and the world around us for blind and low vision folk.: www.talkdescriptiontome.com
I'm a busker and arts creator, and income precarity is my middle name, so here's a link if you feel moved to make a one-time donation, just as though you were dropping cash in my guitar case, without experiencing the griminess of a downtown subway station: https://www.busk.co/29436/qr
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