About: • she/her│plural • Artist│Streamer│Musician│Modder • Likes to break things open & see what happens • Gay for girls & girl-adjacent-entities • Editor of Jerma x Hololive collab streams • #ConsangRights • Known for all sorts of different things all over the internet! Too many to list! • Probably Jerma985. How would you know? • IRL Sister Scissorer • Fedi's queen of incest <3
"tags": [
"content":"{\"name\":\"Lily, formerly Jerma985 :Cat_girls_Emoji_014:\",\"about\":\"About:\\n• she/her│plural\\n• Artist│Streamer│Musician│Modder\\n• Likes to break things open \u0026 see what happens\\n• Gay for girls \u0026 girl-adjacent-entities\\n• Editor of Jerma x Hololive collab streams\\n• #ConsangRights\\n• Known for all sorts of different things all over the internet! Too many to list!\\n• Probably Jerma985. How would you know?\\n• IRL Sister Scissorer\\n• Fedi's queen of incest \u003c3\\n\\nDon't CW minorities!\\n\\nQuotes:\\n• \\\"that fedi incest girl\\\" - agatha\\n• \\\"incest girl strikes again\\\" - milofi\\n• \\\"we're siblings WTF\\\" - yassie\",\"picture\":\"https://media.bloodyno.se/media/20463f9a23f7d2838f0d6584322b3e213f01caa17fbc20f394bed3811b2308de.jpg\",\"banner\":\"https://media.bloodyno.se/media/976403885a6753cedd33558639b6f550aef8a7a7bef4b7be609b50313dddd1ac.jpg\",\"nip05\":\"lily@a-bloodyno-se.mostr.pub\",\"fields\":[[\"Website\",\"https://lylythii.com\"],[\"Bsky\",\"http://bsky.lylythii.com\"]]}",