What is Nostr?
This profile will mainly contain NSFW (Sensual Nudity, none sexual) content as [@AyPapi](https://miniwa.moe/users/AyPapi ) love the female body as in any other museum pieces, embracing the human (female) naked body, as beautiful as it is.

If you feel you can not handle the naturalism of the female naked and life giving anatomy, please feel free to mute this account, don't blacklist it, I did not invade your space.


Adults only! Hi all! I dream of becoming the top 1 NSFW community in the Mastodon network. There are practically no allowed PR methods. Mass following is prohibited, and publications with sensitive content are not included in the recommendation feed. Therefore, I ask everyone who likes my publications and who is not difficult, boost this entry. I love and hug everyone!


If you post naked females and would like me help boost your tooth, well then there are a few conditions.

1. I like what you posts
2. We do a mutual follow
3. You boost / favs my posts as well as I do to you. This is a 2 way street. As long you help me, I help you, it is very simple and fair trade.

The accounts I uses for boosting and favs are as follows, and you will have to follow those in mutual as well.


If you are running a #bot account, or you toot's #privacy violating URI's and think i #repost ( #retoot ) "your" content as mine... then remember

1. it is with 99.9999% certainty not your original work, you stole it from somewhere else to make it yours
2. You posts to much shit, I wont help boosting your #bot #account
3. Your post contained a privacy violating URL, I put my self on the list of allowed users to repost. I will try to remember *NOT* to post credit to origin posts... Please don't shoot me, You stated violating everyone #privacy, and you are of curse *NOT* welcome to add the link to original post as comment.
4. If a post contains a link to a walled garden (e.g. Facebook, Cloudflare, or Quora), I will not boost it. All posts I write & all boosts from me are openly accessible to *everyone*.
5. #AI Generated contents is everybody's by curt ruling, the work is *NOT yours*, maybe you asked the #Cluster of #Computers to generate you something from others stolen work, that the cluster have been steeling against #License this includes and not limited to #OSS License as CC-BY-* AGPLv3 etc.

My Privacy DNS: https://mypdns.org/
Matrix Blacklist: https://github.com/mypdns/matrix
Donate to My Privacy DNS: https://liberapay.com/mypdns
My Privacy DNS @mypdns@matrix.rocks : https://matrix.rocks/@mypdns
My Privacy DNS @matrix@matrix.rocks : https://matrix.rocks/@matrix
IRC #mypdns: ircs://irc.oftc.net:6697/#mypdns
@Redheads@matrix.rocks : https://matrix.rocks/@Redheads
@NSFW@matrix.rocks : https://matrix.rocks/@nsfw
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NIP-05 Address
Profile Code
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