What is Nostr?
hi!!! hello! I'm αἰμ0, which is short for εὐδαιμονία! I like being a girl (species: *Eudaimonia domestica*) and playing with dolls (awawawa! yes those hehe) and getting headpats and cooking for friends and trains and numbers and being called a good girl! Witch raised by feral machines and creatures she built herself awawa.

I like to talk here with my internet friends and often that's a bit of a serious discussion because I'm still going into being fully in the world and responsible. learning and understanding is important to me. but often I'm just making silly noises like awawawa.

pronunciation: /eu̯.dai̯.mo.ní.aː/ short /'ai̯.mo/. title: Mme dr (Madame doctor).

I'm an adult αἰμ0 who is authentic about my interests! so beware the content warnings. I don't belong to you, don't take away my agency. but you can interact with me like someone else's pet that you meet on the street. and always open for clarification and I think that we can all learn to be better and so I do my best if you want to tell me that I made a mistake. interaction invited! and can send and receive emoji reactions! if you send a follow request you !!must!! call me a good girl! hehe

:noto_beaver: <- bóbr!!
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