What is Nostr?

Tech writer. I love #music (esp. #NewMusic). And #words. And #nature. And loads of other things.

Gardening (#TrugLife). Learning #Japanese, very slowly!

I like weirdy beardy music almost as much as I like pop music! Pin your track crush #ThisIsMyJam

#CatFosterer #TechnicalWriting #sound #noise #art #craft #gardening #animals #cats #dance #clothes #languages #français #español #日本語 #WholesomeMemes

Please use alt text & hashtags 🙂

Probably AuDHD

Trans rights are human rights 🏳️‍⚧️

Location: Birmingham, UK
Profile pics: Avatar: Playing keyboard live on stage with my old band.

Header: A music keyboard with the white keys labelled by hand A to Z, via MusicalChaotic.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/catnipmusic
Find me: In the garden, in/near the sea, front side at gigs, in an art installation, under a cat.
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