On January 3rd, 2009, the Bitcoin network was initiated, and its first block was mined by Satoshi Nakamoto. One of the first transactions on the network was received by Hal Finney from Satoshi.
Since then, similar to the early days of the internet, we have been experiencing an Eternal September moment in the network. The adoption of Bitcoin continues to grow and increase until we reach hyperbitcoinization.
In other words, we are now in the era of Eternal Bitcoin.
"tags": [],
"content":"{\"name\":\"https://www.eternalbitcoin.co\",\"username\":\"https://www.eternalbitcoin.co\",\"display_name\":\"Check out our cool Merch - Eternal Bitcoin 😎\",\"displayName\":\"Check out our cool Merch - Eternal Bitcoin 😎\",\"picture\":\"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1659920490977214466/G-G4gY3S.jpg\",\"banner\":\"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/1641943277929742336/1684590860/1080x360\",\"website\":\"eternalbitcoin.co\",\"about\":\"On January 3rd, 2009, the Bitcoin network was initiated, and its first block was mined by Satoshi Nakamoto. One of the first transactions on the network was received by Hal Finney from Satoshi.\\n\\nSince then, similar to the early days of the internet, we have been experiencing an Eternal September moment in the network. The adoption of Bitcoin continues to grow and increase until we reach hyperbitcoinization.\\n\\nIn other words, we are now in the era of Eternal Bitcoin.\",\"nip05\":\"eternalbitcoin@nostrplebs.com\",\"lud16\":\"eternalbitcoin@getalby.com\",\"lud06\":\"\"}",