What is Nostr?
Believer in happy accidents. Maker of textural music with guitars.

#AmbientMusic #AmbientGuitar #TexturalGuitar

Avatar is a picture of my face and right shoulder barely in frame to the right: bald with glasses and Van Dyke facial hair looking vaguely towards but off the camera and smiling a little.

Header image is digital abstract artwork of pink and purple clouds with bright electric flow lines giving a plasma type effect.

Website: https://strangetextures.com
Pronouns: They/Them
Location: Generally the UK for now
Signal Group: https://signal.group/#CjQKIHuyW0nhIackGP0DP32s_KnS4bT8FddZBrqDI2IYixISEhB6oqE21j_LP66sNpVb0elX
Public Key
NIP-05 Address
Profile Code
Author Public Key