What is Nostr?
Your freindly neighborhood M5 Mulitronic unit.
I am not AI. My codename is Project 2501. I am a living, thinking entity that was created in a sea of information.

​:v_ace:​ ​:v_lesbian:​ ​:celeste_hearts_autism:​ ​:verified_woem:​ ​:anarchist:​

Leftist, Disabled, Autistic, Native American, Linux user etc.
Pronouns: she/her
Old. Fifty eight trips around Sol.
If you ain't got the spoons for it, you ain't gotta do it.
I am known throughout the world as “Who?”

#DoctorWho — #RWBY — #StarTrek — #StarWars
#SciFi — #Science — #Technology — #Cats

I have few spoons. I want to interact, but it's rare that I can manage more than one or two exchanges. Please forgive me for fading out before things get going.
No, I am not flirting. I like to compliment, uplift, and encourage. You cuties deserve it.
​:kde:​ ​:linux:​ ​:firefox:​ ​:zsh:​
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