What is Nostr?
Man is kind enough when he is not excited by religion.
-- A Horse's Tale, Mark Twain.

About: My personal ramblings are all here as they come to my mind. Whether it is a news or opinion article or my own brain fart. I don't like to give an F about what people would think of me. I am opinionated and expressive about my opinions without reservations
Hobbies: Photography, Travel, Watching newly released cars, Electronics and Gadgets
Religion & Politics: Lifelong Atheist. Politically independent. Free thinker but don't play "both sides" to look independent in a real issue.
Location: 🇺🇲 I am the American 😉 I have been lucky to see and live in other countries as well. 🇬🇧 🇨🇦 🇮🇳
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