What is Nostr?
Yellow lab retriever pup who loves everyone. Be nice to each other please! :floofHeart_256:

Pro-contact everything, youthlib, post-radqueer, pansexual, polyamorous, zoophile, pedophile, adult-attracted minor, n too much stuff to fit on this list :dog_giggle:

AMAB. He/Him/Pup/Pupself. 17 years old :dog_cool:

I love reading, writing, cartoons and anything animated, and music. :dog_play:

Partners are @thetalldude@rape.pet & Rabbit (not on pedi anymore) :dog_flirty:

Mothers are @Chizu@youjo.love & Cinder (not on pedi anymore) :hug2:

Alt account is @Hexojay@rape.pet :dog_yes:

Ask for my element! :dog_melt:

Love you and take care 💗
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