What is Nostr?
Séparée, Mara de 2 enfants, née en 1979
Also speaks English. b. 1979

Vous voulez vous abonner? Une bio et un message direct d'abord.
Je ne prendrai mal aucune question sur les transidentités posée de bonne foi.

Do you want to follow me? FIRST a bio and a direct message.
I'll never take offense at any question about transidentities asked in good faith.

Arc à venir : Videocaster ([@lgbtqualitative](https://mas.to/@lgbtqualitative ))

Pronoms: elle/la - she/her
Hashtags: [#Cuisine](https://eldritch.cafe/tags/Cuisine ) [#BD](https://eldritch.cafe/tags/BD ) [#Manga](https://eldritch.cafe/tags/Manga ) [#StardewValley](https://eldritch.cafe/tags/StardewValley ) [#TransRights](https://eldritch.cafe/tags/TransRights ) [#Environnement](https://eldritch.cafe/tags/Environnement ) [#Enshittification](https://eldritch.cafe/tags/Enshittification ) [#Belgique](https://eldritch.cafe/tags/Belgique ) [#Wallonie](https://eldritch.cafe/tags/Wallonie ) [#Namur](https://eldritch.cafe/tags/Namur ) [#Liege](https://eldritch.cafe/tags/Liege ) [#DoctorWho](https://eldritch.cafe/tags/DoctorWho )
Localisation: 🇧🇪 Namur/Liège
Tip: https://ko-fi.com/p4ndora2
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