What is Nostr?
#notAcultLeader #Yet... Just tiltin' windmills 'till then

"I fly kites, someday I'd like to do it for a living™"

"Site check, cite check, sight check!™"
Check what you are readin', check if some 'en else say'n it's true, and if shit's bad, check your gun sights!

"Ya lost me at non sequitur...™"
It's meta, ya ain't suppsta' to get it, at first...

I maintain alts, all "coyote@" on various nodes, for backup and as "volume knob" when I want to spam. I spam, learn #MuteCoyoteFriday and my doctorates are not in "conspiracy" or "therapy," although real, you really shouldn't take my advice, or take anything I say seriously, I seed ideas, I don't give answers.
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