What is Nostr?
Kamala Harris News & Organizing Group - 2.0

A public group for discussion of news and pro-Harris organizing info - all to support Kamala Harris for President. This is an actively moderated group. Be sure to stay on topic, or your posts will be removed. To report any post that's offensive or goes off-topic, send a direct message to @tchambers

Joining and contributing to this Newsmast group is easy. To share your posts, follow these steps:

1. Follow this group. (Approval may take a short time, and then you will get a message stating you are approved and in the group)

2. To post to the group, post on the fediverse as normal and @mention this group.

3. This group will then boost your post to all followers.

You don't need to be a Mastodon user to join this group. Because Mastodon is part of the fediverse, this group is available to everyone.
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NIP-05 Address
Profile Code
Author Public Key