What is Nostr?
We're an open source #CodeReview and #DocReview product, built for teams of any size (whether 2 people or 200,000).

Review Board works with Git, Mercurial, Subversion, Perforce, Bazaar, Breezy, CVS, ClearCase, Cliosoft SOS, and TFS.

It's extensible, like a browser, letting teams add new features or customize behavior without forking the code. It also provides integrations with many popular team collaboration and CI services.

This account is managed by Christian Hammond (npub1f4w…hw7j).

Review Board: https://www.reviewboard.org
News Updates: https://www.reviewboard.org/news
RBCommons SaaS: https://rbcommons.com
Beanbag, Inc.: https://www.beanbaginc.com
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