What is Nostr?
prefer feminine terms but any are good
Pan ​:verifiedpansexual:​ | Polysaturated ​:verifiedpolyam_tricolor:​ | Transfemme ​:verifiedtrans:​
Programmer | tumblr refugee

Profile Picture: picrew image of a cat girl looking at the viewer on a Trans Flag background. She has green eyes, caucasian skin, and black hair and cat ears. She is wearing a tight sleeveless top with a heart shaped boob window. On her left arm there is a black stripe with the same color and texture as the top. Around her Arms there is a fluffy coat.

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/catgirl-techsupport
Ask Quesitons: https://retrospring.net/@saragon
Pronouns: She/They
Age: 18-21
Profile Picrew: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1446612
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