What is Nostr?
I find contentment in a wide variety of interests. I enjoy the summer sun, listening to music, attending concerts, engaging in just enough gardening to harvest a few organic vegetables, spending time with my dog Bella, canoeing, target shooting, exploring new places and capturing them in photos and / or short video clips, alternatively just hanging out at or completing work at home, philosophy, theology, reading and research, road trips, decentralized finance / Bitcoin, decentralized social media / NOSTR, discussing and / or supporting human and Constitutional rights, displaying and maintaining indoor plants, relaxing while fishing, and riding my motorcycle. I regularly enjoy listening to The Survival Podcast, Bitcoin Breakout, The Tom Woods Show, and The Eric Metaxas Show. I also sometimes listen to The Martyrmade Podcast, Decentralized Revolution: The Mises Caucus Podcas, and Staseos: The No Apologies Podcast.
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