### Privacy Tools/Useful Things:
Principal: Nostr:npub17natddjkmse4z8frh7ysynwtzanzmvs9d76c5r53546wsnzs25gqfdeqey
Backup: Nostr:npub1mryqu5cffjqpyykvmfjx3js8j0m0850v56dx24lhyqgf2uhl5npsk9xj7y
OnChain: bc1qsa4cvega52nxx83z6npzqh80tsu5p89k0gxxne
Meu Grupo/Diretório/Outros Grupos no SimpleX:
1. 💡Links Úteis | Useful Links
2. 🌐 Browsers
3. 📲 Mensageiros Privados | Private Messengers
4. 📧 E-Mails
5. 🚫 Exchanges/Swaps P2P sem KYC | P2P Exchanges/Swaps without KYC
6. 🪙 Bitcoin
7. 💼 Wallets
8. 📚 Bibliotecas | Libraries
9. 📚 Bibliotecas .Onion | .Onion Libraries
10. Melhores Clientes Nostr | Best Nostr Clients
11. Servidores de Mídia | Media Servers
12. Tor Relays
### 1.💡Links Úteis:
[Melhor Meta-Buscador Anônimo](
https://searx.space) | Best Anonymous Metasearch Engine
**Acesso a 4 I.A's de texto via DuckDuckGo e TOR**
Access to 4 text A.I's anonymously via DuckDuckGo and TOR.
1. [DuckDuckGo Ai Chat](
2. [DuckDuckGo Ai Chat TOR](
https://duckduckgogg42xjoc72x3sjasowoarfbgcmvfimaftt6twagswzczad.onion/?q=DuckDuckGo+AI+Chat&ia=chat&duckai=1/?kdcm=3&kae=d) .Onion
> ChatGPT 4 Mini, Claude 3 Haiku, Llama 3.1 70B & Mixtral 8x7B
**KYC Not Me**
1. [KYC Not Me, Site para verificar serviços sem KYC](
https://kycnot.me/) | Website to check services without KYC
2. [KYC Not Me .Onion](
http://kycnotmezdiftahfmc34pqbpicxlnx3jbf5p7jypge7gdvduu7i6qjqd.onion/) | KYC Not Me .Onion
1. [Mapa Mundial Open-Source (Desktop)](
https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/46.004354/8.956613) | Open-Source World Map (Desktop)
2. [Download no GitHub](
https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd?tab=readme-ov-file) | Download on GitHub
**Orbot/TOR GitHub**
[Evite VPN, prefira Orbot](
https://github.com/guardianproject/orbot/releases/) | Avoid VPN, Prefer Orbot
[Teclado Privado](
https://f-droid.org/en/packages/dev.patrickgold.florisboard/) | Privacy Keyboard
[PGP no Celular](
https://f-droid.org/packages/org.sufficientlysecure.keychain/) | Mobile PGP
**Keys Open PGP**
[Verificar PGP](
https://keys.openpgp.org) | Verify PGP
**DeepL Translator**
[Melhor Tradutor para Idiomas Europeus](
https://www.deepl.com/translator) | Best Translator for European Languages
**Papago Naver Translator**
[Melhor Tradutor para Idiomas Asiáticos](
https://papago.naver.com/) | Best Translator for Asian Languages
**Fossify Gallery**
[Galeria Privada](
https://github.com/FossifyOrg/Gallery) | Private Gallery
### 2. 🌐Browsers:
**Tor Browser**
[Navegador que Oculta Seu IP e Permite Acessar a Deep Web | Sites .Onion](
https://www.torproject.org/download/) | Browser that Hides Your IP and Allows Access to the Deep Web | .Onion Sites
[Melhor Navegador Privado para Desktop ](
https://github.com/ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium) | Best Private Browser for Desktop
[Melhor Alternativa Mobile ao Ungoogled-Chromium](
https://github.com/uazo/cromite) | Best Mobile Alternative to Ungoogled-Chromium
> Sempre prefira usar esses navegadores com DuckDuckGo ou SearXNG.
> Always prefer to use these browsers with DuckDuckGo or SearXNG
1. [SearXNG](
https://searx.space/) | SearXNG
2. [DuckDuckGo](
https://duckduckgo.com/) | DuckDuckGo
3. [DuckDuckGo Onion para Tor Browser](
https://duckduckgogg42xjoc72x3sjasowoarfbgcmvfimaftt6twagswzczad.onion/) | DuckDuckGo Onion for Tor Browser .Onion
**Verifique artigos sobre navegadores com, sem ou parcialmente com SpyWares**.
[SpyWare Neocities Org](
https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/) | Check articles about browsers with, without, or partially with SpyWares.
### 3.📲 Melhores Mensageiros Privados:
**Session Messenger**
[Mensageiro Simples e Fluido](
https://getsession.org/download) | Simple and Fluid Messenger
**SimpleX Chat**
1. [SimpleX Chat](
2. [Melhor Mensageiro Privado Geral](
http://isdb4l77sjqoy2qq7ipum6x3at6hyn3jmxfx4zdhc72ufbmuq4ilwkqd.onion/) | Best Overall Private Messenger .Onion
**Encontre grupos no SimpleX Chat**
[Diretório de Links Públicos](
https://simplex.chat/contact/#/?v=2-4&smp=smp%3A%2F%2Fu2dS9sG8nMNURyZwqASV4yROM28Er0luVTx5X1CsMrU%3D%40smp4.simplex.im%2FeXSPwqTkKyDO3px4fLf1wx3MvPdjdLW3%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAaiv6MkMH44L2TcYrt_CsX3ZvM11WgbMEUn0hkIKTOho%253D%26srv%3Do5vmywmrnaxalvz6wi3zicyftgio6psuvyniis6gco6bp6ekl4cqj4id.onion) | Public Links Directory
> Alguns Endereços do SimpleX Chat são compatíveis com Tor e são .Onion, e o app também possui suporte a Proxy e Orbot na aba de Esconder IP, e é salvo no seu armazenamento local. Session Messenger possui uma senha de 13 palavras, e é o único App Mobile que possui a rede Lokinet integrada - Rede Mais Rápida Já Criada com Onion Routing para esconder seu IP.
> Some SimpleX Chat addresses are compatible with Tor and are .Onion, and the app also supports Proxy and Orbot in the Hide IP section, and it is saved in your local storage. Session Messenger has a 13-word password and is the only mobile app that has the Lokinet network integrated - the fastest network ever created with Onion Routing to hide your IP.
### 4. 📧 E-Mails:
1. [Proton Mail](
2. [E-mail no TOR](
https://protonmailrmez3lotccipshtkleegetolb73fuirgj7r4o4vfu7ozyd.onion/) | Secure Email (.Onion)
> ProtonMail é sediado na Suíça, possui diversos outros serviços, como Proton Drive, e aceito em diversos aplicativos e empresas. É o melhor E-Mail Privado e Seguro universalmente aceito.
> ProtonMail is based in Switzerland, offers various other services such as Proton Drive, and is accepted by various applications and companies. It is the best private and secure E-Mail universally accepted.
[Email Anônimo Onion](
http://mail2torjgmxgexntbrmhvgluavhj7ouul5yar6ylbvjkxwqf6ixkwyd.onion/) | Anonymous Email .Onion
> Mail2Tor é acessado somente via Tor Browser.
> Mail2Tor can only be accessed via Tor Browser.
[Email Temporário e Rápido](
https://yopmail.com/en/email-generator) | Temporary and Quick Email
> YOPMail é pouco aceito em muitas Big Techs, mas possui vários domínios para contornar isso. No YOPMail, só é possível enviar para outros endereços YOP, mas o recebimento de mensagens é universal por outros E-Mails via Alias ,que esconde o endereço, interceptando a mensagem.
> YOPMail is not widely accepted by many Big Techs, but it has several domains to work around this. In YOPMail, it is only possible to send to other YOP addresses, but receiving messages is universal from other E-Mails via Alias, which hides the address by intercepting the message.
### 5. 🚫 Exchanges/Swaps P2P sem KYC:
• Exchanges:
1. [Plataforma Mais Famosa para Comprar Bitcoin P2P](
https://learn.robosats.com/) | Most Popular Platform to Buy Bitcoin P2P
2. [RoboSats Onion](
http://robodexarjwtfryec556cjdz3dfa7u47saek6lkftnkgshvgg2kcumqd.onion/) | RoboSats .Onion
[Melhor Exchange P2P Brasileira, via Telegram](
https://spiketospike.com/) | Best Brazilian P2P Exchange (Telegram) Bitcoin & Tether
• Swaps Rápidos:
1. [Exchange Rápida P2P Somente Bitcoin | OnChain, Lightning & Liquid](
https://boltz.exchange/) | Fast P2P Bitcoin-Only Exchange | OnChain, Lightning & Liquid
2. [Boltz Onion](
http://boltzzzbnus4m7mta3cxmflnps4fp7dueu2tgurstbvrbt6xswzcocyd.onion/) | Boltz .Onion Link
• Bitcoin OnChain <> Lightning <> Liquid.
**Fixed Float**
[Swap Rápido P2P Multimoedas | Bitcoin, Tether's, Monero, Ethereum, Solana, Etc](
https://ff.io/) | Fast P2P Multi-Currency Exchange | Bitcoin, Tether, Monero, Ethereum, Solana, etc.
• Bitcoin OnChain <> Lightning
• Bitcoin <> Monero <> USDT <> Etc.
**Change NOW**
[Ótima Exchange Multimoedas com Suporte a Moedas Fiat](
https://www.changenow.io) | Great Multi-Currency Exchange with Support for Fiat Currencies
• Bitcoin OnChain <> Fiat.
• Bitcoin <> Monero <> USDT <> Etc.
**Simple Swap**
[Outra Exchange Multimoedas com Suporte a Moedas Fiat para Compra e Venda.](
https://simpleswap.io) | Another Multi-Currency Exchange with Support for Fiat Currencies for Buying and Selling.
• Bitcoin OnChain <> Fiat.
• Bitcoin <> Monero <> USDT <> Etc.
> Alternativa a Change NOW.
> Alternative to Change NOW.
[Cartões Pré-pagos Usando Criptomoedas, Também uma Exchange Multimoedas](
https://trocador.app/pt/prepaidcards/) | Prepaid Cards Using Cryptocurrencies, Also a Multi-Currency Exchange
• Bitcoin OnChain <> Lightning.
• Bitcoin <> Monero <> USDT <> Etc.
• Prepaid Cards.
**Bot P2P Bitcoin (Lightning)**
https://t.me/p2plightning) | Telegram
• Bitcoin Lightning <> Fiat.
### 6. 🪙 #Bitcoin:
1. [Mempool.space | Verificar blocos e transações](
https://mempool.space/) | Check blocks and transactions .Onion
2. [Mempool Onion](
http://mempoolhqx4isw62xs7abwphsq7ldayuidyx2v2oethdhhj6mlo2r6ad.onion/) | Mempool Onion Link
1. [Bitcoin WhitePaper by Satoshi Nakamoto](
https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf) | English Version
2. [WhitePaper do Bitcoin por Satoshi Nakamoto](
https://bitcoin.org/files/bitcoin-paper/bitcoin_pt_br.pdf) | Versão em Português Brasileiro | Brazilian Portuguese Version
**Bitcoin Website**
**Ian Coleman**
[Gere sua Chave Privada Offline](
https://iancoleman.io/bip39/) Generate Your Private Key Offline
### 7. 💼 Carteiras Bitcoin (Wallets):
**Wallet Of Satoshi**
[Carteira Lightning Mais Simples](
https://www.walletofsatoshi.com/) | Apenas E-Mail é Necessário | Simplest Lightning Wallet, Only E-Mail Required
**Green Wallet**
[Carteira Bitcoin OnChain Padrão](
https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.greenaddress.greenbits_android_wallet/) | 12 ou 24 Palavras, Suporte a Rede Liquid | Great OnChain Bitcoin Wallet | 12 or 24 Words, Supports Liquid Network
**Blue Wallet**
[Carteira Bitcoin OnChain Apenas](
https://github.com/BlueWallet/BlueWallet/releases/) | 12 e 24 Palavras | Bitcoin-Only Wallet, 12 or 24 Words
**Sparrow Wallet**
[Melhor Carteira para Linux e Nodes Próprios](
https://www.sparrowwallet.com/download/) | Best Wallet for Linux and Own Nodes
> Blue Wallet possui suporte para rodar node Lightning próprio. A Blue e Green Wallet também mostram a xPUB/zPUB/yPUB da sua carteira, a chave pública. Dessa forma, você pode esconder suas 12 ou 24 palavras, e logar com a xPUB, podendo apenas receber e visualizar o saldo, sem poder mexer na carteira.
> Blue Wallet has support for running its own Lightning node. Also, Blue and Green Wallet shows you the xPUB/zPUB/yPUB of your wallet, the public key. In this way, you can hide your 12 or 24 words, and log in with the xPUB, being able only to receive and view, without being able to modify the wallet.
### 8. 📚 Bibliotecas:
[Milhares de Livros Gratuitos em PDF](
https://www.pdfdrive.com) | Thousands of Free PDF Books
[Acervo de E-Livros Acadêmicos](
https://z-lib.io) | Large Collection of Academic E-Books
**Projeto Gutenberg**
[Obras Clássicas em Domínio Público](
https://gutenberg.org) | Public Domain Classic Literature
[Livros Gratuitos e Pagos](
https://manybooks.net) | Free and Paid Books Collection
[Audiolivros Gratuitos de Domínio Público](
https://librivox.org) | Free Public Domain Audiobooks
**Internet Archive**
[Biblioteca Digital Incrível](
https://archive.org) | Amazing Digital Library
**Open Library**
[Uma Biblioteca para Todos](
https://openlibrary.org) | A Library for Everyone
[Promoções Diárias e E-Livros Gratuitos](
https://www.bookbub.com) | Daily Deals and Free E-Books
[E-Livros Gratuitos em Várias Categorias](
https://www.free-ebooks.net) | Free E-Books in Various Categories
**Google Books**
[Visualize Prévias e E-Livros Gratuitos](
https://books.google.com) | Preview Books and Find Free E-Books
[Obras Independentes e Autopublicadas](
https://www.smashwords.com) | Independent and Self-Published Works
### 9. 📚 Bibliotecas .Onion:
[Biblioteca de Livros](
http://zlibrary24tuxziyiyfr7zd46ytefdqbqd2axkmxm4o5374ptpc52fad.onion/) | Book Library
**Comic Book Library**
[Biblioteca de Quadrinhos](
http://nv3x2jozywh63fkohn5mwp2d73vasusjixn3im3ueof52fmbjsigw6ad.onion/) | Comic Book Library
[Enciclopédia Livre](
http://tdx37ew3oke5rxn3yi5r5665ka7ozvehnd4xmnjxxdvqorias2nyl4qd.onion/) | Free Encyclopedia
[Biblioteca Cristã Sem Censura](
https://bible4u2lvhacg4b3to2e2veqpwmrc2c3tjf2wuuqiz332vlwmr4xbad.onion/) | Uncensored Christian Library
**The Anarchist Library**
[Biblioteca Anarquista](
http://libraryqxxiqakubqv3dc2bend2koqsndbwox2johfywcatxie26bsad.onion/) | Anarchist Library
**Respostas Ocultas Forum**
[Maior Fórum de Perguntas e Respostas Brasileiro na Deep Web](
http://xh6liiypqffzwnu5734ucwps37tn2g6npthvugz3gdoqpikujju525yd.onion/) | Largest Brazilian Q&A Forum on the Deep Web
### 10. 🖥️ Melhores Clientes #Nostr:
[Melhor Cliente Nostr para Android](
https://github.com/vitorpamplona/amethyst/releases) | Best Nostr Client for Android
1. Download: [Ótimo Cliente Mobile e Desktop](
https://github.com/PrimalHQ/primal-android-app) | Great Mobile and Desktop Client
Desktop: [Site Oficial](
https://primal.net) | Official Website
[Melhor Cliente para iOS](
https://Damus.io) | Best Client for iOS
[Melhor e Mais Completo Cliente Web](
https://nostrudel.ninja) | Best and Most Complete Web Client
[Ótimo Cliente Web](
https://Coracle.social) | Great Web Client
[Cliente Web Minimalista](
https://Satellite.earth) | Minimalist Web Client
**Poster Place**
[Outro Cliente Web Minimalista](
https://Poster.Place) | Another Minimalist Web Client | By
verita84 (npub1x0r…shtn)**Yakihonne**
1. [Yakihonne no GitHub](
https://Github.com/YakiHonne/yakihonne-web-app/tree/main) | Yakihonne on GitHub
2. [Melhor Cliente para Escrita/Web/Geral](
https://Yakihonne.com) | Best Client for Writing/Web/General
### **11. 🗃️ Servidores de Mídia (Media Servers)**:
**Nostr Build**
[Mais Famoso Servidor de Mídia no Nostr](Nostr.build) | Most Famous Media Server on Nostr
**Nostr Check Me**
[Servidor Alternativo para o Nostr Build](Nostrcheck.me) | Alternative Server for Nostr Build
**Pomf2 Lain La**
[Servidor Para Vídeos ou Imagens Muito Grandes](Pomf2.lain.la) | Server for Very Large Videos or Images
**CDN Satellite Earth (Pago/Paid)**
[Ótimo Servidor Pago do Cliente Satellite.Earth](Cdn.Satellite.Earth) | Great Paid Server from Client Satellite.Earth
> Nostr Build possui um limite de 25 MB, e geralmente não aceita arquivos .Webm. Pomf2.Lain.la possui um limite de 250 MB, mas não abuse, pois é um servidor que se sustenta por doações voluntárias. O CDN Satellite Earth possui os melhores e maiores armazenamentos, cerca de 1 GB ou mais GBs por alguns centavos por mês.
> Nostr Build has a limit of 25 MB and usually doesn't accept .Webm files. Pomf2.Lain.la has a limit of 250 MB, but don't go overboard, as it's a server that relies on voluntary donations. The CDN Satellite Earth offers the best and largest storage options, around 1 GB or more for just a few pennies a month.
### 12. 🟣 Tor Relays:
verita84 (npub1x0r…shtn):
girino (npub18la…cfsz):