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Kind 9802
"ikely most of that won’t come from social use cas" This is a highlight created on https://highlighter.com
Author Public Key
Published at
2023-05-17 16:48:20
Kind type
Event JSON
{ "id": "758d06a201802756859c15a5dd73b2cb040a34a3802a59dbbf6ea755264d1bec", "pubkey": "dbc70c8bd0334ec7b69593dfa31f9d4839b87c401db9d334331414307d1a3ece", "created_at": 1684342100, "kind": 9802, "tags": [ [ "context", "likely most of that won’t come from social use cases, but rather the microapps that fiatjaf ​ originally envisioned and folks like PABLOF7z ​ are focused on building." ], [ "e", "2d66aafbf9c011885ad41ef6940fa15d646f0420d54d9c3f38ec6155f6377587" ], [ "alt", "\"ikely most of that won’t come from social use cas\"\n\nThis is a highlight created on https://highlighter.com" ] ], "content": "ikely most of that won’t come from social use cas", "sig": "6d52764371e64c243463c1b95c2b3d71610feeda3467069d7742bdd94836732dd19c861962c709e103f314330c9af4894965123f7c6c9b8c6ada2b8dcfe49b4d" }