Bixnood on Nostr: Women are the not the gate keepers. And, your seed isn't cheap. Women age, become ...
Women are the not the gate keepers. And, your seed isn't cheap. Women age, become worthless quickly, and then move into borderline refuse. In terms of reproductive relevancy. Men on the other hand can go, and keep going. Way past women. But, we're straying off the main point by going off into the threat of race mixing vs shared interests or natural attraction, availability, and supposed "standards" of which none exist for the human libido. The woman will put out, within her racial group, virtually on no other criteria aside from availability. There are obvious things which will hinder this. Deformity in the man. Obesity, extremely obvious mental problems, or or other inexcusable lapses in hygiene. But, that only goes so far much like being a "millionaire" super stud with six super cars, or what ever. The woman doesn't give a shit about that. She enters into a biological attraction, and then goes into overdrive with it. Rationalization after the fact will later classify "standards" as being what she went after. Or, the preposterous laundry list of bullshit many women claim to want when they'll put out for a goddamn pizza boy.