Bixnood on Nostr: For the vast majority of mankind's existence (and by that I mean White men) Niggers ...
For the vast majority of mankind's existence (and by that I mean White men) Niggers were for all intents and purposes on another planet. They weren't even a factor for exposure to our people procreation, the dangers of race mixing were inconceivable until the past several hundred years. Women are subordinate to men, they do what we tell them to, and that is the natural order. They have the tastes we tell them to have the standards we set for ourselves defines our culture. They are a mirror of our existence, subordinate to it. Not the determiner of our own continuation. That is why they're called woman. Half-man. We do not conform ourselves to our standards. We raise to the pinnacle of survival and they come along for the ride. Naturally that process produces beauty by default. And, so beauty thrives. Trying to change and adapt to a receptor simply waiting for your arrival is the same thing as the tail wagging the dog. It doesn't work. That's why the Jews engineered women's liberation to destroy a fundamental biological process within our people. So we do not reproduce as much as we ordinarily would be.