What is Nostr?
Kind 9802
This is a highlight created in https://primal.net iOS application
Author Public Key
Published at
2024-07-28 15:39:59
Kind type
Event JSON
{ "id": "2c2dd83b04ce4a4e8a3d25f571e81de9f5ccf989d6f312c57b09acc6fd1a7ee1", "pubkey": "860a60327eeb8e7b427c972b763c283309bf944e3c1e8d7928c1b49f816257d9", "created_at": 1722181199, "kind": 9802, "tags": [ [ "context", "Wasting away reading filler content OMG. Still reading? NGMI. Well, good luck to you." ], [ "alt", "This is a highlight created in https://primal.net iOS application" ], [ "a", "30023:88cc134b1a65f54ef48acc1df3665063d3ea45f04eab8af4646e561c5ae99079:Testing-Testing-Testing-8yw62n" ], [ "p", "88cc134b1a65f54ef48acc1df3665063d3ea45f04eab8af4646e561c5ae99079" ] ], "content": "Wasting away reading filler content OMG. Still reading? NGMI. Well, good luck to you.", "sig": "498b357a26aacc90886baa906a1bc23c9d9558c56cc35933fd2e321ed89ff18c7edf58c2b0a632291c440ffba8fd1cb748eaa2e4e41b3da902fc9df2fc4ff5d1" }