dejan on Nostr: Good morning! Announcing a new project - Inspired by the ...
Good morning! Announcing a new project -
Inspired by the awesome - I made a similar attempt to display the Euro inflationary pressures on the prices of goods, services, real estate,... in Slovenia. And of course, to display what a different story is unfolding in the other system, allowing innovation in technology to drive down prices and bring abundance to us all.
I hope you'll find it useful as another tool in your arsenal to orange pill your friends and family - but also, as a tool to start pricing your expenses in Bitcoin rather than fiat currencies.
Dobro jutro! Nov projekt je tu -
Navdihnjen s super projektom - sem poskusil narediti nekaj podobnega, da prikažem inflacijske pritiske v evrih na cene blaga, storitev, nepremičnin,... v Sloveniji. In seveda, da prikažem, kakšno zgodbo pišemo v drugem sistemu, ki omogoča da inovacije v tehnologij znižajo cene in prinesejo obilje vsem nam.
Upam, da boste to orodje našli uporabno kot še eno orodje v vašem arsenalu za "orange pillanje" prijateljev in družine - in pa tudi kot orodje za začetek merjenja vaših stroškov v Bitcoinu, namesto v fiat valutah.
Massive thanks to all the educators on my journey so far, but especially Jeff Booth (nprofile…mwnq) PricedinBTC (nprofile…v362) saifedean (nprofile…6g5h)
Inspired by the awesome - I made a similar attempt to display the Euro inflationary pressures on the prices of goods, services, real estate,... in Slovenia. And of course, to display what a different story is unfolding in the other system, allowing innovation in technology to drive down prices and bring abundance to us all.
I hope you'll find it useful as another tool in your arsenal to orange pill your friends and family - but also, as a tool to start pricing your expenses in Bitcoin rather than fiat currencies.
Dobro jutro! Nov projekt je tu -
Navdihnjen s super projektom - sem poskusil narediti nekaj podobnega, da prikažem inflacijske pritiske v evrih na cene blaga, storitev, nepremičnin,... v Sloveniji. In seveda, da prikažem, kakšno zgodbo pišemo v drugem sistemu, ki omogoča da inovacije v tehnologij znižajo cene in prinesejo obilje vsem nam.
Upam, da boste to orodje našli uporabno kot še eno orodje v vašem arsenalu za "orange pillanje" prijateljev in družine - in pa tudi kot orodje za začetek merjenja vaših stroškov v Bitcoinu, namesto v fiat valutah.
Massive thanks to all the educators on my journey so far, but especially Jeff Booth (nprofile…mwnq) PricedinBTC (nprofile…v362) saifedean (nprofile…6g5h)