daw on Nostr: 🇨🇿 V USA se v roce 1955 cigarety prodávaly v prodejních automatech, které ...
🇨🇿 V USA se v roce 1955 cigarety prodávaly v prodejních automatech, které přijímaly pouze 25centové mince, a krabička cigaret stála 23 centů. Proto výrobci přidávali do balíčku 2 centy.
🇬🇧 In USA in 1955, cigarettes were sold in vending machines that only accepted 25-cent coins, and a pack of cigarettes cost 23 cents. And the manufacturers, instead of raising the price of cigarettes, put 2 cents into the pack.
🇬🇧 In USA in 1955, cigarettes were sold in vending machines that only accepted 25-cent coins, and a pack of cigarettes cost 23 cents. And the manufacturers, instead of raising the price of cigarettes, put 2 cents into the pack.