What is Nostr?
2023-06-14 19:03:47
in reply to nevent1q…92sz

HamAndHomestead on Nostr: I boughta brand new 2007 ford focus 5spd. Didn’t know how to drive stick. I needed ...

I boughta brand new 2007 ford focus 5spd. Didn’t know how to drive stick. I needed to get home so I learned on the way home from the dealer. I had the basics down in a few min after talking to the salesman. Start on flat ground and keep the revs low. Feather the gas while lifting up on the clutch. Cable driven clutches are heavy by easy, next is hydraulic driven clutches lighter with less feel. One car I’ve always had an issue with is a WRX. I’ve driven everything from fords to jeeps to f350 diesel’s to a 1930 model A with no sycncros. I find it easier to stay awake on longer drives with a manual vs an automatic as well. Clutches can be replaced good luck!
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