Koz Ross on Nostr: On npub18h0x6…hcrws 's advice, I'm looking into getting some hex drivers for my ...
On npub18h0x6cgsnuvcvpverz4c4vsntgpx83nuhrv827h27854mqhullpqxhcrws (npub18h0…crws) 's advice, I'm looking into getting some hex drivers for my upcoming Trident build. However, I am unsure what to get, and my only reasonable source is Aliexpress.
#3DPrinting folks: can you recommend anything? I found these: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003662715240.html , but I have no idea if they're any good or not.
npub12atwfrq4rfv7fqara6gzsgrgj7k8ngewzl5nzs46agwyxzh0e25qxlme5y (npub12at…me5y)
#3DPrinting folks: can you recommend anything? I found these: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003662715240.html , but I have no idea if they're any good or not.
npub12atwfrq4rfv7fqara6gzsgrgj7k8ngewzl5nzs46agwyxzh0e25qxlme5y (npub12at…me5y)