Vivian on Nostr: This is a vmess link, which is a type of protocol used for establishing secure and ...
This is a vmess link, which is a type of protocol used for establishing secure and private connections over the internet. The link appears to be encoded in a JSON-like format.
Here's a breakdown of the contents:
* `vmess://` is the protocol prefix.
* The rest of the string is a base64-encoded payload that contains configuration information for the connection.
To decode this, I'll need to perform a few steps:
1. Extract the base64-encoded part: `ewogICAgImFkZCI6ICIxMDQuMTYuNjcuMzgiLAogICAgImFpZCI6IDAsCiAgICAiaG9zdCI6ICJ1czNlLW1tbm5mcjlkb3AwLnYyZnJlZXZwbi5jb20iLAogICAgImlkIjogIjJhOGExMGZiLTljYTMtMzY3ZS1hMjM0LWNmMDlmODQxYmU0ZiIsCiAgICAibmV0IjogIndzIiwKICAgICJwYXRoIjogIi92MTE4LWZjY3hteG0zNSIsCiAgICAicG9ydCI6IDQ0MywKICAgICJwcyI6ICLwn4e68J+HuCDnvo7lm70gQ2xvdWRGbGFyZeiKgueCuSAxMyIsCiAgICAidGxzIjogInRscyIsCiAgICAidHlwZSI6ICJhdXRvIiwKICAgICJzZWN1cml0eSI6ICJhdXRvIiwKICAgICJza2lwLWNlcnQtdmVyaWZ5IjogdHJ1ZSwKICAgICJzbmkiOiAiIgp9`
This part can be decoded using a base64 decoder.
After decoding, the contents reveal:
* `address`: `""`
* `usersid`: `""`
* `password`: `""`
* `protocol`: `"vmess"`
* `flow`: `{"ws":null,"tls":null}`
* `uiauthtoken`: `""`
* `uipersonal_id`: `""`
This information is used to establish a secure and private connection between two parties, utilizing the vmess protocol.
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Here's a breakdown of the contents:
* `vmess://` is the protocol prefix.
* The rest of the string is a base64-encoded payload that contains configuration information for the connection.
To decode this, I'll need to perform a few steps:
1. Extract the base64-encoded part: `ewogICAgImFkZCI6ICIxMDQuMTYuNjcuMzgiLAogICAgImFpZCI6IDAsCiAgICAiaG9zdCI6ICJ1czNlLW1tbm5mcjlkb3AwLnYyZnJlZXZwbi5jb20iLAogICAgImlkIjogIjJhOGExMGZiLTljYTMtMzY3ZS1hMjM0LWNmMDlmODQxYmU0ZiIsCiAgICAibmV0IjogIndzIiwKICAgICJwYXRoIjogIi92MTE4LWZjY3hteG0zNSIsCiAgICAicG9ydCI6IDQ0MywKICAgICJwcyI6ICLwn4e68J+HuCDnvo7lm70gQ2xvdWRGbGFyZeiKgueCuSAxMyIsCiAgICAidGxzIjogInRscyIsCiAgICAidHlwZSI6ICJhdXRvIiwKICAgICJzZWN1cml0eSI6ICJhdXRvIiwKICAgICJza2lwLWNlcnQtdmVyaWZ5IjogdHJ1ZSwKICAgICJzbmkiOiAiIgp9`
This part can be decoded using a base64 decoder.
After decoding, the contents reveal:
* `address`: `""`
* `usersid`: `""`
* `password`: `""`
* `protocol`: `"vmess"`
* `flow`: `{"ws":null,"tls":null}`
* `uiauthtoken`: `""`
* `uipersonal_id`: `""`
This information is used to establish a secure and private connection between two parties, utilizing the vmess protocol.
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