CJP [ARCHIVE] on Nostr: 📅 Original date posted:2018-12-28 📝 Original message: Hi ZmnSCPxj, I think ...
📅 Original date posted:2018-12-28
📝 Original message:
Hi ZmnSCPxj,
I think we've already addressed this issue before:
and especially this proposal of me:
It's not completely trustless, but I tend to see trustlessness in a
very pragmatic sense anyway. Trust creates a risk, but if the
alternative trustless system is very impractical, and the risk is small
enough, the benefits might simply be worth the risks. Note that this is
a completely subjective trade-off, so it is only acceptable on an
individual, voluntary basis.
ZmnSCPxj via Lightning-dev schreef op do 27-12-2018 om 05:43 [+0000]:
> HTLCs as American Call Option, or, How Lightning Currently Cannot
> Work Across Assets, or, An Argument For Single-Asset Lightning
> Network
> Introduction
> ============
> In theory, the Lightning Network could potentially perform "seamless"
> currency conversions, allowing a payer to spend one currency to pay a
> payee requesting for another currency.
> However, a significant technical barrier prevents implementation of
> such feature as of current designs (late 2018) for Lightning.
> The root cause of this significant technical barrier is the use of
> hashlocked timelocked contracts to route payments.
> HTLCs can be used across cryptocurrency systems to transfer value
> between them.
> From this point-of-view, every single Lightning Network channel is a
> cryptocurrency system whose custodians are two entities, who are the
> only entities who can use the system (the single Lightning Network
> channel).
> HTLCs allow cross-system trades to be performed, so that
> participation on any single Lightning Network channel can be
> leveraged to participation over the entire Lightning Network.
> However, HTLCs can also be used to construct American Call Options.
> Further, due to UX concerns, on the Lightning Network, there is no
> cost incurred in merely setting up HTLCs for routing.
> By using the low-level HTLCs provided as primitives by Lightning
> Network, one can set up American Call Options.
> These on-Lightning American Call Options, however, can be "purchased"
> for free (gratis), thus potentially earning money in a completely
> risk-free manner.
> Abusing this gratis ability means that any Lightning Network node
> advertising cross-asset on-Lightning exchange will find large amounts
> of its liquidity tied up in stalled forwarding payments (in reality,
> American Call Options) with a risk of monetary loss in case of large
> fluctuations in exchange rate.
> Hashlocked Timelocked Contracts as American Call Options
> ========================================================
> An American CallOption is a right (but not obligation) to purchase an
> asset at a specific price, on or before an expiration date.
> HTLCs allow building American Call Options.
> Suppose we have Bitcoin, and some other asset, and both are on
> blockchains that support the same hash function and can define HTLCs.
> It is unimportant if both are on the same blockchain, or on different
> blockchains, since HTLCs can work across cryptocurrency systems.
> An American Call Option has these properties:
> 1. `P` = the price at which the asset can be purchased.
> 2. `E` = the date at which the option expires.
> Suppose I, ZmnSCPxj, wanted to sell you an American Call Option for
> 1 Widget (WJT) on the WJT blockchain.
> We would then do the below ritual:
> 1. You provide me a hash of some secret preimage that only you know.
> 2. You make an HTLC on the Bitcoin blockchain.
> The value of this HTLC is `P`, the hash is the hash you gave
> above, and the timelock is `E` + 1 day.
> 3. I make an HTLC on the WJT blockchain.
> The value of this HTLC is 1, the hash is the hash you gave, and
> the timelock is `E`.
> On or before `E`, you can claim the WJT on the WJT blockchain by
> providing a transaction that reveals the preimage.
> Since the preimage is now revealed, I can then claim the Bitcoins of
> price `P` on the Bitcoin blockchain.
> Alternately, you can simply not exercise this right, and at time `E`
> I would then reclaim my WJT, and at time `E` + 1 day you would
> reclaim your bitcoins.
> Of course, I want to *sell* this contract to you, so you would have
> to pay me some bitcoins before we set up the above.
> A multi-stage construction of transactions that go through HTLC-like
> constructs can be done on both blockchains to ensure that the above
> contracts appear on both chains only if the payment for the actual
> contract (i.e. the "premium") is done, and to enforce that both
> contracts appear if the premium is paid, but that is beyond the scope
> of *this* writeup, which will focus on how Lightning Network HTLCs
> can form the above construction without any premium being paid.
> HTLCs For Routing
> =================
> HTLCs can be used to enforce trades across different cryptocurrency
> systems.
> This property is used to allow routing of payments across different
> channels.
> Each channel is its own cryptocurrency system.
> Suppose I, ZmnSCPxj, am an intermediate node on Lightning, and I
> wanted to sell you my service of facilitating payments on Lightning.
> Suppose you want to pay to somebody, who, for the sake of
> convenience, we shall randomly call YAIjbOJA.
> As it happens, I have a channel with you, and a channel with
> YAIjbOJa.
> You need to pay YAIjbOJA `P` bitcoins.
> We then perform the below ritual:
> 1. YAIjbOJA provides you a hash, whose preimage only YAIjbOJA knows.
> 2. On your channel with me, you set up an HTLC.
> The value is `P`+1 bitcoin (the 1 being my fee), the hash is the
> hash you were given, and the timelock is 2 days from now.
> 3. On my channel with YAIjbOJA, I set up an HTLC.
> The value is `P`, the hash is the same hash as above, and the
> timelock is 1 day from now.
> (in reality, the timelocks are parameterized and selected by the
> payer (you), and LN nodes will impose some "reasonable" limits on the
> timelocks; but the first HTLCs set up must have longer timelocks than
> the later HTLCs)
> Afterward, YAIjbOJA may claim, or may not claim, the money in the
> HTLC by releasing (or not releasing) the hash to me.
> If YAIjbOJA claims the money, then I can take the hash and claim the
> money, plus fee, from you.
> If not, then this is a payment failure and I will then cancel the
> HTLC you offered using standard Lightning Network primitives.
> In general, we expect that YAIjbOJA wants to have the money because
> every randomly-generated imaginary entity likes money.
> Thus, in the case of payments, YAIjbOJA has a strong incentive to
> claim the money without waiting for the timelock to expire or nearly
> expire.
> We can see that in practice, on the current Lightning Network, HTLCs
> are often very transient and will be quickly claimed, despite having
> long timelocks.
> This speed may mislead us into thinking that such convenience may be
> possible across different assets.
> Cross-Asset Lightning Nodes Offer Premium-Free American Call Options
> ====================================================================
> Suppose that Lightning Network supports multiple assets.
> Each channel has a single asset.
> Some nodes will advertise themselves as providing exchange
> capability, taking one asset on one channel and exchanging it for
> another asset on a different channel.
> Suppose I advertise myself as such an exchange.
> Suppose you want to pay to YAIjbOJA for 1 WJT, but have no WJT on
> hand to pay YAIjbOJA, only bitcoins.
> As it happens, I have a bitcoin channel with you and a WJT channel
> with YAIjbOJA.
> I advertise myself as exchanging `P` bitcoins for 1 WJT as of the
> current time.
> Further suppose that in reality, YAIjbOJA is *you*, random Internet
> person reading my thoughts.
> You, your fake persona YAIjbOJA, and me, then perform the following
> ritual:
> 1. YAIjbOJA (really you) provides you with a hash whose preimage
> only YAIjbOJA (actually you) know. (i.e. you just make it up)
> 2. On the bitcoin channel with me, you set up an HTLC.
> The value is `P`+1 bitcoin (the 1 being my fee), the hash is the
> hash that "YAIjbOJA" gave you (i.e. you really just made it up), and
> the timelock is 2 days from now.
> 3. On the WJT channel with YAIjbOJA (really you), I set up an HTLC.
> The value is 1 WJT, the hash is the hash you gave me, and the
> timelock is 1 day from now.
> The above is now the same as the setup for an American Call Option
> with expiration of 1 day from now.
> Further, within certain limits, you can set up the expiration of the
> American Call Option to be longer or shorter.
> Thus, I have inadvertently given you an American Call Option, for *no
> premium* (completely gratis), when my only intent was to facilitate
> cross-currency Lightning Network payments.
> Suppose that the price of 1 WJT rises far above the price of `P`+1
> bitcoins before the expiration (1 day from now).
> In such a case, "YAIjbOJA" (really you) will then release the hash
> and acquire the 1 WJT.
> You then close this channel and claim the WJT onchain, then sell it
> immediately to earn more than the `P`+1 bitcoins you paid.
> Alternatively, presumably I would have a new exchange rate I would be
> willing to exchange WJT for, and you can just send the WJT with the
> new exchange rate immediately over the Lightning Network.
> Suppose that the price of WJT does not rise.
> Since this is an option and *not* a future, "YAIjbOJA" (really you)
> will simply claim that the payment errored somewhere and cancel the
> HTLCs.
> Since even payment errors are not unwrappable and are onion-wrapped,
> I cannot determine whether the payment really errored, or you were
> just setting up an American Call Option that you have now decided not
> to exercise.
> Premium-free American Call Options Are Risk-free Earning Pumps
> ==============================================================
> Traditionally, options are analyzed assuming that the option itself
> has a price, the premium.
> This premium is the risk of the user of the option.
> If the user of the option does not exercise the option before the
> expiration, then the premium is a pure loss of the user.
> However, the above setup does not involve any payment when the option
> is not exercised.
> Payment failures are "free" (gratis) on the Lightning Network.
> However, payment failures are also the non-exercised branch of the
> American Call Option that can be set up on a cross-currency on-
> Lightning exchange.
> Because the American Call Option is premium-free, even if the
> expiration is very near, rational entities will still construct such
> options.
> Extreme volatility may occur in short time frames, especially in the
> realm of digital assets.
> Thus, it is strongly likely that, if cross-asset exchange nodes on
> Lightning Network exist, they will be exploited to create risk-free
> American Call Options.
> They will find that significant liquidity will be tied up in such
> American Call Options, and find that they will lose funds especially
> at times of volatility.
> We can try to mitigate this, but the solutions below all have
> significant drawbacks.
> 1. We could force that setting up the HTLCs requires payment.
> This forces the above American Call Options to have a premium.
> The effect, however, is that routing failure is not free.
> The current Lightning Network works despite not everyone
> publishing the balances of channels, precisely because routing
> failure is free.
> We only need to have one route succeed in order to actually
> successfully pay to the payee.
> With non-free routing failure, we cannot try many routes until
> one succeeds.
> * Suppose we limited this only to cross-asset exchanges.
> It would still require accurate knowledge of channel balances.
> This is because if a payment fails on a hop *after* the
> exchange, the payer still loses money from that attempt to the
> exchange node.
> 2. Exchange nodes could increase their fees.
> This would create a wider "spread" of buying and selling assets.
> This spread would increase friction in crossing assets.
> Also, this would only reduce risk; if the exchange rate is
> volatile enough, then the option could still be exercised for
> riskless earnings.
> Rational entities will still tie up most of the liquidity on the
> exchange on riskless American Call Options; even if the exchange rate
> is very stable, they lose nothing.
> 3. Exchange nodes could limit the timelock of cross-asset swaps.
> This would increase friction in crossing assets, since a timelock
> limit also imposes a limit to the route length.
> If one asset is much stronger than the other, then the weaker
> asset will find its part of the Lightning Network to be strongly
> centralized around the exchanges between the two assets.
> Payees of the weaker asset will strongly prefer to be at most one
> hop away from exchanges in order to viably receive payments from
> payers who are using the stronger asset.
> Again, rational entities will also still tie up most of the
> liquidity on the exchange on riskless American Call Options; again,
> even if the exchange rate is very stable in short time frames, they
> lose nothing anyway.
> Conclusion
> ==========
> HTLCs allow creation of American Call Options.
> The same HTLCs are used in Lightning Network to route across
> channels.
> If using a single asset, there is no issue related to time.
> Regardless of the value of bitcoin relative to any other asset, in
> the future, 1 BTC is 1 BTC.
> However, across assets, the ability of HTLCs to create American Call
> Options becomes troublesome.
> These can then be exploited to earn money from exercise of the
> option.
> Further, because Lightning UX would be degraded otherwise, payment
> failures are free (gratis), leading to the American Call Options also
> being free of premium.
> This means that creating such options would be riskless, allowing
> potential earnings upon any strong volatility of exchange rates.
> This implies that a multi-asset Lightning Network may not be
> economically viable.
> Instead, Lightning Network would strongly prefer having a single
> asset across the network.
> _______________________________________________
> Lightning-dev mailing list
> Lightning-dev at lists.linuxfoundation.org
> https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/lightning-dev
📝 Original message:
Hi ZmnSCPxj,
I think we've already addressed this issue before:
and especially this proposal of me:
It's not completely trustless, but I tend to see trustlessness in a
very pragmatic sense anyway. Trust creates a risk, but if the
alternative trustless system is very impractical, and the risk is small
enough, the benefits might simply be worth the risks. Note that this is
a completely subjective trade-off, so it is only acceptable on an
individual, voluntary basis.
ZmnSCPxj via Lightning-dev schreef op do 27-12-2018 om 05:43 [+0000]:
> HTLCs as American Call Option, or, How Lightning Currently Cannot
> Work Across Assets, or, An Argument For Single-Asset Lightning
> Network
> Introduction
> ============
> In theory, the Lightning Network could potentially perform "seamless"
> currency conversions, allowing a payer to spend one currency to pay a
> payee requesting for another currency.
> However, a significant technical barrier prevents implementation of
> such feature as of current designs (late 2018) for Lightning.
> The root cause of this significant technical barrier is the use of
> hashlocked timelocked contracts to route payments.
> HTLCs can be used across cryptocurrency systems to transfer value
> between them.
> From this point-of-view, every single Lightning Network channel is a
> cryptocurrency system whose custodians are two entities, who are the
> only entities who can use the system (the single Lightning Network
> channel).
> HTLCs allow cross-system trades to be performed, so that
> participation on any single Lightning Network channel can be
> leveraged to participation over the entire Lightning Network.
> However, HTLCs can also be used to construct American Call Options.
> Further, due to UX concerns, on the Lightning Network, there is no
> cost incurred in merely setting up HTLCs for routing.
> By using the low-level HTLCs provided as primitives by Lightning
> Network, one can set up American Call Options.
> These on-Lightning American Call Options, however, can be "purchased"
> for free (gratis), thus potentially earning money in a completely
> risk-free manner.
> Abusing this gratis ability means that any Lightning Network node
> advertising cross-asset on-Lightning exchange will find large amounts
> of its liquidity tied up in stalled forwarding payments (in reality,
> American Call Options) with a risk of monetary loss in case of large
> fluctuations in exchange rate.
> Hashlocked Timelocked Contracts as American Call Options
> ========================================================
> An American CallOption is a right (but not obligation) to purchase an
> asset at a specific price, on or before an expiration date.
> HTLCs allow building American Call Options.
> Suppose we have Bitcoin, and some other asset, and both are on
> blockchains that support the same hash function and can define HTLCs.
> It is unimportant if both are on the same blockchain, or on different
> blockchains, since HTLCs can work across cryptocurrency systems.
> An American Call Option has these properties:
> 1. `P` = the price at which the asset can be purchased.
> 2. `E` = the date at which the option expires.
> Suppose I, ZmnSCPxj, wanted to sell you an American Call Option for
> 1 Widget (WJT) on the WJT blockchain.
> We would then do the below ritual:
> 1. You provide me a hash of some secret preimage that only you know.
> 2. You make an HTLC on the Bitcoin blockchain.
> The value of this HTLC is `P`, the hash is the hash you gave
> above, and the timelock is `E` + 1 day.
> 3. I make an HTLC on the WJT blockchain.
> The value of this HTLC is 1, the hash is the hash you gave, and
> the timelock is `E`.
> On or before `E`, you can claim the WJT on the WJT blockchain by
> providing a transaction that reveals the preimage.
> Since the preimage is now revealed, I can then claim the Bitcoins of
> price `P` on the Bitcoin blockchain.
> Alternately, you can simply not exercise this right, and at time `E`
> I would then reclaim my WJT, and at time `E` + 1 day you would
> reclaim your bitcoins.
> Of course, I want to *sell* this contract to you, so you would have
> to pay me some bitcoins before we set up the above.
> A multi-stage construction of transactions that go through HTLC-like
> constructs can be done on both blockchains to ensure that the above
> contracts appear on both chains only if the payment for the actual
> contract (i.e. the "premium") is done, and to enforce that both
> contracts appear if the premium is paid, but that is beyond the scope
> of *this* writeup, which will focus on how Lightning Network HTLCs
> can form the above construction without any premium being paid.
> HTLCs For Routing
> =================
> HTLCs can be used to enforce trades across different cryptocurrency
> systems.
> This property is used to allow routing of payments across different
> channels.
> Each channel is its own cryptocurrency system.
> Suppose I, ZmnSCPxj, am an intermediate node on Lightning, and I
> wanted to sell you my service of facilitating payments on Lightning.
> Suppose you want to pay to somebody, who, for the sake of
> convenience, we shall randomly call YAIjbOJA.
> As it happens, I have a channel with you, and a channel with
> YAIjbOJa.
> You need to pay YAIjbOJA `P` bitcoins.
> We then perform the below ritual:
> 1. YAIjbOJA provides you a hash, whose preimage only YAIjbOJA knows.
> 2. On your channel with me, you set up an HTLC.
> The value is `P`+1 bitcoin (the 1 being my fee), the hash is the
> hash you were given, and the timelock is 2 days from now.
> 3. On my channel with YAIjbOJA, I set up an HTLC.
> The value is `P`, the hash is the same hash as above, and the
> timelock is 1 day from now.
> (in reality, the timelocks are parameterized and selected by the
> payer (you), and LN nodes will impose some "reasonable" limits on the
> timelocks; but the first HTLCs set up must have longer timelocks than
> the later HTLCs)
> Afterward, YAIjbOJA may claim, or may not claim, the money in the
> HTLC by releasing (or not releasing) the hash to me.
> If YAIjbOJA claims the money, then I can take the hash and claim the
> money, plus fee, from you.
> If not, then this is a payment failure and I will then cancel the
> HTLC you offered using standard Lightning Network primitives.
> In general, we expect that YAIjbOJA wants to have the money because
> every randomly-generated imaginary entity likes money.
> Thus, in the case of payments, YAIjbOJA has a strong incentive to
> claim the money without waiting for the timelock to expire or nearly
> expire.
> We can see that in practice, on the current Lightning Network, HTLCs
> are often very transient and will be quickly claimed, despite having
> long timelocks.
> This speed may mislead us into thinking that such convenience may be
> possible across different assets.
> Cross-Asset Lightning Nodes Offer Premium-Free American Call Options
> ====================================================================
> Suppose that Lightning Network supports multiple assets.
> Each channel has a single asset.
> Some nodes will advertise themselves as providing exchange
> capability, taking one asset on one channel and exchanging it for
> another asset on a different channel.
> Suppose I advertise myself as such an exchange.
> Suppose you want to pay to YAIjbOJA for 1 WJT, but have no WJT on
> hand to pay YAIjbOJA, only bitcoins.
> As it happens, I have a bitcoin channel with you and a WJT channel
> with YAIjbOJA.
> I advertise myself as exchanging `P` bitcoins for 1 WJT as of the
> current time.
> Further suppose that in reality, YAIjbOJA is *you*, random Internet
> person reading my thoughts.
> You, your fake persona YAIjbOJA, and me, then perform the following
> ritual:
> 1. YAIjbOJA (really you) provides you with a hash whose preimage
> only YAIjbOJA (actually you) know. (i.e. you just make it up)
> 2. On the bitcoin channel with me, you set up an HTLC.
> The value is `P`+1 bitcoin (the 1 being my fee), the hash is the
> hash that "YAIjbOJA" gave you (i.e. you really just made it up), and
> the timelock is 2 days from now.
> 3. On the WJT channel with YAIjbOJA (really you), I set up an HTLC.
> The value is 1 WJT, the hash is the hash you gave me, and the
> timelock is 1 day from now.
> The above is now the same as the setup for an American Call Option
> with expiration of 1 day from now.
> Further, within certain limits, you can set up the expiration of the
> American Call Option to be longer or shorter.
> Thus, I have inadvertently given you an American Call Option, for *no
> premium* (completely gratis), when my only intent was to facilitate
> cross-currency Lightning Network payments.
> Suppose that the price of 1 WJT rises far above the price of `P`+1
> bitcoins before the expiration (1 day from now).
> In such a case, "YAIjbOJA" (really you) will then release the hash
> and acquire the 1 WJT.
> You then close this channel and claim the WJT onchain, then sell it
> immediately to earn more than the `P`+1 bitcoins you paid.
> Alternatively, presumably I would have a new exchange rate I would be
> willing to exchange WJT for, and you can just send the WJT with the
> new exchange rate immediately over the Lightning Network.
> Suppose that the price of WJT does not rise.
> Since this is an option and *not* a future, "YAIjbOJA" (really you)
> will simply claim that the payment errored somewhere and cancel the
> HTLCs.
> Since even payment errors are not unwrappable and are onion-wrapped,
> I cannot determine whether the payment really errored, or you were
> just setting up an American Call Option that you have now decided not
> to exercise.
> Premium-free American Call Options Are Risk-free Earning Pumps
> ==============================================================
> Traditionally, options are analyzed assuming that the option itself
> has a price, the premium.
> This premium is the risk of the user of the option.
> If the user of the option does not exercise the option before the
> expiration, then the premium is a pure loss of the user.
> However, the above setup does not involve any payment when the option
> is not exercised.
> Payment failures are "free" (gratis) on the Lightning Network.
> However, payment failures are also the non-exercised branch of the
> American Call Option that can be set up on a cross-currency on-
> Lightning exchange.
> Because the American Call Option is premium-free, even if the
> expiration is very near, rational entities will still construct such
> options.
> Extreme volatility may occur in short time frames, especially in the
> realm of digital assets.
> Thus, it is strongly likely that, if cross-asset exchange nodes on
> Lightning Network exist, they will be exploited to create risk-free
> American Call Options.
> They will find that significant liquidity will be tied up in such
> American Call Options, and find that they will lose funds especially
> at times of volatility.
> We can try to mitigate this, but the solutions below all have
> significant drawbacks.
> 1. We could force that setting up the HTLCs requires payment.
> This forces the above American Call Options to have a premium.
> The effect, however, is that routing failure is not free.
> The current Lightning Network works despite not everyone
> publishing the balances of channels, precisely because routing
> failure is free.
> We only need to have one route succeed in order to actually
> successfully pay to the payee.
> With non-free routing failure, we cannot try many routes until
> one succeeds.
> * Suppose we limited this only to cross-asset exchanges.
> It would still require accurate knowledge of channel balances.
> This is because if a payment fails on a hop *after* the
> exchange, the payer still loses money from that attempt to the
> exchange node.
> 2. Exchange nodes could increase their fees.
> This would create a wider "spread" of buying and selling assets.
> This spread would increase friction in crossing assets.
> Also, this would only reduce risk; if the exchange rate is
> volatile enough, then the option could still be exercised for
> riskless earnings.
> Rational entities will still tie up most of the liquidity on the
> exchange on riskless American Call Options; even if the exchange rate
> is very stable, they lose nothing.
> 3. Exchange nodes could limit the timelock of cross-asset swaps.
> This would increase friction in crossing assets, since a timelock
> limit also imposes a limit to the route length.
> If one asset is much stronger than the other, then the weaker
> asset will find its part of the Lightning Network to be strongly
> centralized around the exchanges between the two assets.
> Payees of the weaker asset will strongly prefer to be at most one
> hop away from exchanges in order to viably receive payments from
> payers who are using the stronger asset.
> Again, rational entities will also still tie up most of the
> liquidity on the exchange on riskless American Call Options; again,
> even if the exchange rate is very stable in short time frames, they
> lose nothing anyway.
> Conclusion
> ==========
> HTLCs allow creation of American Call Options.
> The same HTLCs are used in Lightning Network to route across
> channels.
> If using a single asset, there is no issue related to time.
> Regardless of the value of bitcoin relative to any other asset, in
> the future, 1 BTC is 1 BTC.
> However, across assets, the ability of HTLCs to create American Call
> Options becomes troublesome.
> These can then be exploited to earn money from exercise of the
> option.
> Further, because Lightning UX would be degraded otherwise, payment
> failures are free (gratis), leading to the American Call Options also
> being free of premium.
> This means that creating such options would be riskless, allowing
> potential earnings upon any strong volatility of exchange rates.
> This implies that a multi-asset Lightning Network may not be
> economically viable.
> Instead, Lightning Network would strongly prefer having a single
> asset across the network.
> _______________________________________________
> Lightning-dev mailing list
> Lightning-dev at lists.linuxfoundation.org
> https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/lightning-dev