Jon Sullivan on Nostr: Since June 2021 I've had an #AudioMoth constantly recording bird song in our garden ...
Since June 2021 I've had an #AudioMoth constantly recording bird song in our garden from 2 hours before sunrise to 2 hours after sunset. Over the past months I've been using #BirdNet to identify all the bird species.
Today I've managed to spit out my first graphs. I'm excited to finally see results so wanted to share them. There's all sorts of things happening.
Next I'll be comparing these automated patterns with all the counts I make manually.
#birds #EcologicalMonitoring #nz #garden
Today I've managed to spit out my first graphs. I'm excited to finally see results so wanted to share them. There's all sorts of things happening.
Next I'll be comparing these automated patterns with all the counts I make manually.
#birds #EcologicalMonitoring #nz #garden