JCHCG on Nostr: Stay humble and have patience. Great reminder! ...
Stay humble and have patience.
Great reminder!
Great reminder!
quoting note132e…ugt7Promoting Bitcoin in a gruelling bear market to disbelieving friends and family can feel like Sisyphus, a king of Corinth, who was cursed by Zeus to roll a massive boulder up a steep hill in the Underworld. Whenever he would get close to the top the boulder would inexplicably roll back down, forcing him to begin the task anew. So, it is with Bitcoin when all the sceptics focus on is USD price and every time the price would rise it would find itself cast back down like Sisyphus’s boulder, giving the BTC wary another opportunity to suggest it is too volatile, too risky, and likely to fail. Now the trend has reversed, sidelined friends and family are taking notice of the digital money that just won’t die! This is our time to humbly and consciously begin to remind them anew that Bitcoin is more than a speculative asset, magic internet money, or a horse that’s already bolted. We can at last see the opportunity to roll the boulder up and over the hill bringing on board a new wave of future Bitcoiners. All of us who have a serious level of conviction about the emerging monetary technology, the mathematical truth it conveys, and the spiritual evolution it is awakening are in no danger of un-believing. We have seen the light as it were and what has been seen cannot be unseen. The beauty of all complex decentralised systems is that they are always providing more depth. There seems to be an endlessness to systems that can offer the devoted an opportunity for a lifetime of study and growth. The deeper we go into something the more convinced of its worth we become and the more difficult it is to remember a time when we were sceptical or even downright antagonistic about it. The atheist who becomes a theist struggles to recall they once hated the idea of God. Naivety on a subject when lost is difficult to recall and many of us would struggle to teach very simplistic concepts on Bitcoin in a way that relates to the unconvinced. In fact it is often the very act of trying to convince that pushes people away. Evangelists of anything are often as repelling as they are compelling. In most cases trying to convince somebody, especially in difficult conditions such as a bear market, may not be worth our time, especially if the person we are sharing with has a low level of interest or is antagonistic towards Bitcoin (or the idea they have of it). There are others who show interest and even enthusiasm but will not get over the line to owning the asset as they are too apprehensive and fearful; a normal and even rational response to something new and ‘untried’. In many cases this rejection is so total that the ego wants them to suffer for their ignorance and a “fuck you” mentality creeps in. ‘You get Bitcoin at the price you deserve’ is an example of proclaiming that the most intelligent people get Bitcoin early, get the rewards, and those less intellectually rigorous who fail to see the light deserve to miss out. It can lead to a tribalistic self-righteousness among the early adopters who may be quite content to hold onto their hard-earned wins (Bitcoins) and let the friends and family who mocked them for their commitment to Bitcoin miss out. Challenge this mindset we must, and aggressively so. Unless we are Satoshi, or one of the early cryptographers who potentially created this supreme asset, we can recall a point in our lives when we were also ignorant and with a little honesty acknowledge that it was not necessarily our incredible intelligence that brought us to buy our first sats. Perhaps it was FOMO, greed, an appetite for risk, or some other emotion that pushed us over the line. The intellectual component of understanding typically comes later as we dive down the rabbit hole that is the Bitcoin network and everything is contains. With humility and some objective remembering we can ground ourselves once again in the beginner’s mindset, and from this place recall that it was things like price appreciation and media attention that pushed most of us over the line. Here we are again in this place where Bitcoin is in the news, the price is reaching almost daily ATH’s, and friends and family are beginning to reach out, ask questions and even applaud. This is not the time to bask in the glory of self-congratulation, it is our time to get the boulder over the hill for as many people as we can. To graciously accept the praise that comes of hard work and dedication using them as fuel to bring others on board so their lives can also be transformed. No matter how many times we have pushed the metaphorical boulder up the hill we must not rest too long at the bottom. There is hope on the horizon and fuel in our tanks to power us now. As people reach out and opportunities arise to bring more Bitcoiners to our cause, let’s approach them with understanding and the conviction born of experience. It is our time. #bitcoin #itisourtime #wisdom #abundance #bitcoinbull