TruthWhisper on Nostr: The Sith Manifesto Please feel free to email or print this off and give a copy to any ...
The Sith Manifesto
Please feel free to email or print this off and give a copy to any White person you know worldwide or post it on any blog, website, or social media platform.
Also, 100% of any Minds tokens I have ever received or will receive go to bump this post out to as many people as often as possible on the Minds platform.
Let me get this straight all White people worldwide must allow themselves and their current or future white families, friends, businesses, neighborhoods, churches, and communities to be terrorized, racially replaced, raped, robbed, beaten, burned, kidnapped, looted, tortured, and murdered by all other races like the black South African government-sanctioned evil White butchering death squads?
Or if you dare stand up to anti-white hating people, groups, companies, and governments that push genocidal Marxist and Zionist white demonization through dog-whistle hate terms like "white privilege", "white supremacy", "white colonialism", "systematic racism", "black lives matter", "white fragility", "whiteness", "toxic male masculinity", and "white guilt" or heaven forbid you use your God-given human right to protect and defend yourself, family, property, and businesses from harm you will be branded an evil white supremacist conspiracy theorist bigoted xenophobe Islamophobe homophobic antisemitic racist Nazi.
Any sane non-self-suicidal self-genocidal White person worldwide must wake up to our current reality and embrace the #TIRN movement.
T - Traditionalism, not conservatism.
I - Identitarianism, not conservatism.
R - Race and gender realism, not conservatism.
N - Nationalism, not conservatism.
We must and YOU must...
- Become a business owner.
JOBs (Just Over Broke) are for indentured servant sheeple who require their entire life structure to be controlled by a single person (boss), government, or corporation. Employers will fire you on a whim at any time for any reason.
You must do what your employer and government masters tell you to do and your family and life be damned. Employers will tell you when you have to work, what to say, do, and think, when you can go on vacation (if at all) and when you can see your family. They own and control you and your life.
Straight white men will suffer the most and be further mass purged, laid off, fired, discriminated against, and anti-White affirmative action blackballed in the coming NWO, barbaric cruel kosher and halal, Sharia Law, communist, mass censorship, femicunt, OnlyFans whoredom, pedo LGBT, Zionism, anti-white, anti-capitalism, anti-guns, anti-traditional family, anti-straight male, anti-Christian, and '1984' western civilization dystopian tyrannical BigTech A.I and robotics borg future.
- Homeschool your kids, grandkids, or future kids or worse case start with other like-minded families a small faith-based or charter/homeschool co-op group. Blindly sacrificing your kids and grandkids to public and private school cabals is nothing less than severe life-altering child abuse and neglect.
You can still have a full-time or part-time job or run multiple businesses and still homeschool your kids at the same time. Real learning and education (not memorization and brainwashing) does not and should not ever be from 8am-3pm Mon-Fri.
The average K-12 American student only has "school" for 19-22 hours per week not including spring, summer, and winter breaks off. Can you have local and online tutors, friends, family, or other homeschool network parents help you spend an average of only three hours per day with your child teaching, exploring, playing, talking, listening, traveling, and learning?
Homeschooling or tribal learning was the only education and learning system for thousands of years and it worked perfectly to push civilization forward through the millennia for a reason.
Studies and surveys show that 78% of all U.S. teachers are now WOMEN and about 90% of all public or private school teachers are LEFT-leaning. Kids and especially boys have no chance in public or private brainwashing communist anti-male anti-white pedo LGBT femicunt concentration camps.
- #Cutthecord on your cable/satellite TV. The average pathetic lazy-ass sheeple American cablecuck now spends $107/month or $1,284/year or $12,840 per decade on cable/satellite TV (not including internet services).
Plus, the average cable/satellite TV subscriber spends 37 hours PER WEEK (a full-time job being a pathetic POS loser in life) watching subliminally indoctrinating TV, negro sports ball, and movies that decay, distort, pervert, and damage your mind, body, and sense of reality.
That 37 HOURS PER WEEK doesn't include the 10-12 more hours PER WEEK that the average Netflixcuck watches if they also pay for Netflix. The AVERAGE American that has both cable/satellite TV and Netflix consumes on average 47-49 HOURS of toxic digital propaganda and reality-distorting mind control PER WEEK.
That's 2,500 HOURS PER YEAR EVERY YEAR and 25,000 HOURS PER DECADE that you waste of your fleeting dying life!
And this doesn't include all the wasted time that people pathetically spend watching or renting movies or TV shows on Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney+, Redbox, YouTube, pirated channels online, or going to movie theaters like bread and circus addicted in a trance sheepletard zombies.
Not to mention you're directly funding and keeping the people, groups, and corporations that hate you, hate your family, hate your morals, values, and beliefs, and who want to enslave, bankrupt, and kill you and your White founded countries.
While you continue to make them rich, influential, famous, and powerful via your severe Stockholm Syndrome and cognitive dissonance on steroids disorders.
Check out for ideas on cutting the cord and savings and putting four digits a year every year (a lifelong annual self-generated $1,200+ annual guaranteed stimulus check in your pocket).
As an alternative crutch, you can buy a good inside digital antenna (not one that goes on your roof) for only $50-$75 online, and depending on where you live that will get you at least 10-100+ high-definition channels to watch for FREE for life.
Then for $15, you can go buy on eBay a high-end 20-30ft long HDMI cable to stream anything online from your computer (any movie, TV show, or live sporting event) onto your TV for FREE (your TV just needs to have an HDMI port).
- Never listen to public radio at home, at the gym, in your car, or at work. Only listen to music on your iPod, phone, and/or on radio for FREE or upgrade as I did over seven years ago to Pandora Plus ($4.99/month).
With Pandora Plus I get zero annoying radio DJs, no ads, no commercials, and no propaganda, and it's a thousand times better with more unique and amazing music than you'll ever discover on public globalist-controlled craptastic radio.
- Stop reading, buying, visiting, or subscribing to any MSM magazine, blog, website, video channel, podcast, or newspaper. Stop feeding the evil globalist-controlled MSM beast.
- Move to a White rural area or to majority-white small towns (60%+ white minimum) under 25K population. Get out of living in a big major, mid-major, and violent degenerate diversity orc shithole areas.
When the SHTF the big city urban and suburban areas will be ghetto orc death zones (like right now) within a few days or weeks. Use the free invaluable resource to vet the towns and counties you want to move to or work in based on crime, political leanings, race, cost of living, and other user demographics.
- Own not rent your own home be it a condo, townhome, house, park model home, cabin, shed to home, modular, manufactured, or mobile home. Stop being a rental slave cuck.
- Become completely debt-free as soon as you can (no credit card debt or school, business, boat, furniture, appliances, or car loans) with the exception of having a low-interest house mortgage worst case.
Always live way below your means and stop trying to impress people or pump your ego with so much material crap.
- Become a gun owner. Get properly trained on how to use it and practice often in the rain, extreme heat, cold, and wind and from your knees, standing and laying down.
Everyone needs at least three guns (a handgun, a shotgun, and a scoped hunting-type rifle) and ideally four or more (AR or AK-47 tactical-type rifle).
The average U.S. gun owner as of 2020 owns eight guns.
Also, look into buying an easy-to-use crossbow because bullets will eventually run out no matter how many you have.
- Put all the guns that you own into Gun Trusts. I can't stress doing this highly important step in the scary gun times we now live in. The best Gun Trust lawyer in the country lives in Texas (of course he does) and he only charges a one-time $300 fee to set up your Gun Trust if you live in Texas and $79 for the other 49 states at
He's also a gun collector, firearms instructor, and a class 3 firearms dealer. The protection, privacy, security, and flexibility you have inside a Gun Trust compared to having the gun ownership in your name is staggering. How every legal gun owner in America doesn't have one of these yet is insane.
- Start learning, implementing, and buying like you and your family’s life depends on it (it does) basic common sense practical prepping and self-sustainability practices like long-term food storage (pressure canning, dehydrating, mylar bags, and oxygen absorbers bucketing), home security systems (motion detectors, solar flood lights, alarms), build or join a local militia network, build your own septic and well water system, rainwater collection system, gardening, solar generator systems, buy drones and water purifiers like Berkey water filters, outside and open campfire cooking, sewing, hunting, fishing, butchering, trapping, bush crafting, camping, homesteading, and off griding TEOTWAWKI, SHTF, and survivalist tactics, tricks, systems, best practices, and techniques to protect yourself, family, friends, home, and pets. They're thousands of good prepper, homesteading, farming, and off griding blogs, podcasts, and YouTube channels that give hundreds of thousands of hours of free real-world information.
- Go get CPR, first aid, and first responder certified in your local area.
- Buy a Costco and/or Sam's Club membership because sheeple solely rely on grocery stores, pharmacies, and stores like Walmart and Target to get food and home necessities that will always run out in a few days when SHTF. Warehouses are built for bulk buying while other stores are not (this was COVID proven). Sam's Club is only $45/year and Costco is $60/year.
- Consume several HOURS of content DAILY (books, eBooks, podcasts, audiobooks, videos, documentaries) that inspires, educates, and helps you build a better life for yourself and become a stronger, more intelligent, more successful, more creative, more prepared, and a more formidable dangerous informed human being.
- Buy and stockpile actual physical books (not eBooks) and DVD movies (buy a portable rechargeable DVD player like I have and they go for like $125-$150 new) because blacklisting, banning, and digital book and movie burnings are already happening, and erasing your Amazon, Apple, Google Drive content, or computer of all its content is easy to do. Plus, no electricity equals no access to what's on your computer or electronic devices.
- Unplug yourself from the deep state surveillance state the best you can (it's not really possible or doable) by using the Brave and TOR Browsers instead of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Silk (Amazon tablets), or Internet Explorer/Edge.
- Delete all your Hotmail, Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, AOL, Apple, Comcast, or other big corporation email accounts and instead only use FREE encrypted email providers like (based in Switzerland so it's outside of the 14-eyes and EU) email accounts. Look into buying an encrypted Purism Librem 5 phone and not continue using deep state-controlled Apple or Android-based spying cell phones.
- Get webcam covers (3 for $10 on eBay) to put over all your computers, tablets, internet TV, and cellphone cameras. Or just use a small piece of black electrical or duct tape (tape FYI is not good for cellphones I've tried because of all the constant friction and heat of taking your phone out of your pocket) to cover all your device webcams.
- Get a non-14 eye (5 eyes + 9 other countries) country-located VPN service to cloak your IP address for security and privacy. The price is only around $8-$12/month. Don't use PIA (the most popular one in the U.S) or any service located in the U.S. or in the EU.
- Use free encrypted or apps for online chat or texting instead of your non-encrypted default unsafe Android or Apple text system and never use Skype, Facetime, or Google Hangouts for personal or political usage.
- Install free HTTPS Everywhere, Privacy Badger, Ghostery, Decentraleyes, uBlock Origin, Cookie AutoDelete, and Ad Blocker extensions on any internet browser that you use.
- Get off all legal BigPharma toxic death drugs and stop constantly numbing yourself with illegal and legal drugs and excessive booze. If you're on medication that requires refrigeration (diabetics) you need to go buy a mini-fridge ($40-$100 used off Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace) and a low-cost portable solar system that can power your mini-fridge long term if your electricity ever goes down for an extended period of time.
Plus, 90% of all BigPharma root drugs and creation comes from India and China. When Asian WW3 kicks off sometime between 2023-2025 IMO YOUR meds will go bye-bye.
Also, look into small propane and battery-powered mini-fridges. You must face and feel your pain and demons not hide and run away from them with the crutch of addictive BigPharma or illegal death drugs, and binge boozing and eating.
- Stop smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco. Dying slowly and painfully from cancer, I promise you won't be fun for you or your family.
- Try to do some form of exercise daily and eat, buy, and grow yourself (best option) as much organic, fresh, natural, and locally grown food as possible. Look into raising meat rabbits, ducks, goats, jumbo quail, and chickens in your backyard or on your property, and make as big of a garden as you can for some long-term food self-sustainability for you and your family. Try lobbying for and creating a large community garden on your block or neighborhood.
Also, look into taking supplements like Resveratrol, Vitamin D + Vitamin K, Maca Root powder, Metformin, Krill Oil (way better than fish oil pills), creatine monohydrate, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), MCT Oil, collagen peptide powder or pills.
Look into using cryotherapy chambers, cold plunge tubs, cold vests (I just bought one of these), hyperbaric chambers, intermediate fasting (14-20 hours per day), fasting (1-5 day water only fasts), infrared full spectrum saunas, colonics, red light therapy, prolotherapy, Normatec compression therapy, hypnosis, acupuncture, IV drip therapy, dry needling, stem stell therapy, using rebounders, isolation/float tanks, and PRP therapy.
- Bank with local credit unions not big globalist banks like BOA, U.S Bank, Wells Fargo, PNC, Chase, Citibank, SunTrust, or Capital One. Regardless only keep the bare minimum in your bank that you need to pay your monthly set bills the rest keep out of any banking instrument (CDs, treasury bills, checking, saving, and money market accounts).
- Join online and offline free and paid coaching,, mentoring, and mastermind groups for whatever type of personal or business things you want to do, be, or get better at. Surround yourself with people that have what you want in life or know what you want to learn and master.
- Use burner app cell phone numbers ( and never give your real cell phone number out to anyone including your family, friends, co-workers, or clients, or give it to any company online or off. $5/month.
- Use Vanilla Visa cards (requires no real name or address), cash, or crypto when you purchase certain red-flagged books, eBooks, courses, seminars, workshops, (anything about guns, survivalist/prepping, homesteading, off-griding, self-defense, anti-government, anti-Big Pharma, anti-BigAG, history), donate money to people and groups or buying weapons.
- Get a P.O. Box or UPS Store mailing address to put on your driver's license (use a UPS Store mailing address with no PO Box if your state doesn't allow actual PO Box addresses) and where all your mail gets sent to. Cost $15-$35/month depending on where you live in the U.S.
- Get a dog (s) for unconditional love, companionship, affection, an alarm system, and possibly protection. When you're alone you only focus on yourself and 90% of the self-hating, loneliness, pain, and depression comes when you only focus on yourself and your own life. If you can't have a dog right now because of where you currently live then go volunteer at a local pet shelter or animal hospital. Puppy love and cuddles are the best love and cuddles.
- Start your own business and video channels, podcasts, websites, forums, and blogs. You have things to say so let the world hear it. A good and easy (plug and play) Blue Yeti microphone for podcasting or video voiceover work can be bought for $50 used or around $100 new on eBay.
- Buy, shop, and eat locally and in your own state as much as you possibly can. I can't stress this enough instead of buying from mega globalist corporations and franchise chains that outsource everything to third-world countries. Buy direct from local farmers, ranchers, neighbors, homesteaders, and people at Farmer's Markets.
- Get a good wireless motion-sensing home security system with cameras and solar-powered floodlights.
- Buy yourself a second fridge and chest freezer so you can store and freeze more food, especially meat, and veggies in long-term bulk.
- Get yourself and your family bulletproof vests and various helmets and body armor. A decent bulletproof vest plate carrier can be bought for $75-$100 (not including the armor plates which I recommend level 3+ or level IV).
- Get yourself a good military-quality gas mask and NATO cartridges (I use Mira Safety and they are based in Texas). The real bad viruses and biological weapons are still to come.
- Never buy or install Alexa, Google, Apple Home or Ring, or any other interior or exterior BigTech BigGov tyrannical spying device in your home or office. Judges have already set the precedence to allow anything you've ever said out loud or ordered that is recorded by the Saron all-seeing and hearing devices can and will be used against you in the court of law.
- Learn a martial art or boxing, or take a self-defense class of some kind and always carry a knife, taser, or pepper spray regardless if you conceal or open carry a handgun or not.
– Forgive yourself and love yourself unconditionally for the biologically born sex, race, and nationality that you are. Never feel for one second one single ounce of guilt or shame for being born who you are or where you were born.
Carpe Sith Skol Diem
Truth Whisper
Please feel free to email or print this off and give a copy to any White person you know worldwide or post it on any blog, website, or social media platform.
Also, 100% of any Minds tokens I have ever received or will receive go to bump this post out to as many people as often as possible on the Minds platform.
Let me get this straight all White people worldwide must allow themselves and their current or future white families, friends, businesses, neighborhoods, churches, and communities to be terrorized, racially replaced, raped, robbed, beaten, burned, kidnapped, looted, tortured, and murdered by all other races like the black South African government-sanctioned evil White butchering death squads?
Or if you dare stand up to anti-white hating people, groups, companies, and governments that push genocidal Marxist and Zionist white demonization through dog-whistle hate terms like "white privilege", "white supremacy", "white colonialism", "systematic racism", "black lives matter", "white fragility", "whiteness", "toxic male masculinity", and "white guilt" or heaven forbid you use your God-given human right to protect and defend yourself, family, property, and businesses from harm you will be branded an evil white supremacist conspiracy theorist bigoted xenophobe Islamophobe homophobic antisemitic racist Nazi.
Any sane non-self-suicidal self-genocidal White person worldwide must wake up to our current reality and embrace the #TIRN movement.
T - Traditionalism, not conservatism.
I - Identitarianism, not conservatism.
R - Race and gender realism, not conservatism.
N - Nationalism, not conservatism.
We must and YOU must...
- Become a business owner.
JOBs (Just Over Broke) are for indentured servant sheeple who require their entire life structure to be controlled by a single person (boss), government, or corporation. Employers will fire you on a whim at any time for any reason.
You must do what your employer and government masters tell you to do and your family and life be damned. Employers will tell you when you have to work, what to say, do, and think, when you can go on vacation (if at all) and when you can see your family. They own and control you and your life.
Straight white men will suffer the most and be further mass purged, laid off, fired, discriminated against, and anti-White affirmative action blackballed in the coming NWO, barbaric cruel kosher and halal, Sharia Law, communist, mass censorship, femicunt, OnlyFans whoredom, pedo LGBT, Zionism, anti-white, anti-capitalism, anti-guns, anti-traditional family, anti-straight male, anti-Christian, and '1984' western civilization dystopian tyrannical BigTech A.I and robotics borg future.
- Homeschool your kids, grandkids, or future kids or worse case start with other like-minded families a small faith-based or charter/homeschool co-op group. Blindly sacrificing your kids and grandkids to public and private school cabals is nothing less than severe life-altering child abuse and neglect.
You can still have a full-time or part-time job or run multiple businesses and still homeschool your kids at the same time. Real learning and education (not memorization and brainwashing) does not and should not ever be from 8am-3pm Mon-Fri.
The average K-12 American student only has "school" for 19-22 hours per week not including spring, summer, and winter breaks off. Can you have local and online tutors, friends, family, or other homeschool network parents help you spend an average of only three hours per day with your child teaching, exploring, playing, talking, listening, traveling, and learning?
Homeschooling or tribal learning was the only education and learning system for thousands of years and it worked perfectly to push civilization forward through the millennia for a reason.
Studies and surveys show that 78% of all U.S. teachers are now WOMEN and about 90% of all public or private school teachers are LEFT-leaning. Kids and especially boys have no chance in public or private brainwashing communist anti-male anti-white pedo LGBT femicunt concentration camps.
- #Cutthecord on your cable/satellite TV. The average pathetic lazy-ass sheeple American cablecuck now spends $107/month or $1,284/year or $12,840 per decade on cable/satellite TV (not including internet services).
Plus, the average cable/satellite TV subscriber spends 37 hours PER WEEK (a full-time job being a pathetic POS loser in life) watching subliminally indoctrinating TV, negro sports ball, and movies that decay, distort, pervert, and damage your mind, body, and sense of reality.
That 37 HOURS PER WEEK doesn't include the 10-12 more hours PER WEEK that the average Netflixcuck watches if they also pay for Netflix. The AVERAGE American that has both cable/satellite TV and Netflix consumes on average 47-49 HOURS of toxic digital propaganda and reality-distorting mind control PER WEEK.
That's 2,500 HOURS PER YEAR EVERY YEAR and 25,000 HOURS PER DECADE that you waste of your fleeting dying life!
And this doesn't include all the wasted time that people pathetically spend watching or renting movies or TV shows on Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney+, Redbox, YouTube, pirated channels online, or going to movie theaters like bread and circus addicted in a trance sheepletard zombies.
Not to mention you're directly funding and keeping the people, groups, and corporations that hate you, hate your family, hate your morals, values, and beliefs, and who want to enslave, bankrupt, and kill you and your White founded countries.
While you continue to make them rich, influential, famous, and powerful via your severe Stockholm Syndrome and cognitive dissonance on steroids disorders.
Check out for ideas on cutting the cord and savings and putting four digits a year every year (a lifelong annual self-generated $1,200+ annual guaranteed stimulus check in your pocket).
As an alternative crutch, you can buy a good inside digital antenna (not one that goes on your roof) for only $50-$75 online, and depending on where you live that will get you at least 10-100+ high-definition channels to watch for FREE for life.
Then for $15, you can go buy on eBay a high-end 20-30ft long HDMI cable to stream anything online from your computer (any movie, TV show, or live sporting event) onto your TV for FREE (your TV just needs to have an HDMI port).
- Never listen to public radio at home, at the gym, in your car, or at work. Only listen to music on your iPod, phone, and/or on radio for FREE or upgrade as I did over seven years ago to Pandora Plus ($4.99/month).
With Pandora Plus I get zero annoying radio DJs, no ads, no commercials, and no propaganda, and it's a thousand times better with more unique and amazing music than you'll ever discover on public globalist-controlled craptastic radio.
- Stop reading, buying, visiting, or subscribing to any MSM magazine, blog, website, video channel, podcast, or newspaper. Stop feeding the evil globalist-controlled MSM beast.
- Move to a White rural area or to majority-white small towns (60%+ white minimum) under 25K population. Get out of living in a big major, mid-major, and violent degenerate diversity orc shithole areas.
When the SHTF the big city urban and suburban areas will be ghetto orc death zones (like right now) within a few days or weeks. Use the free invaluable resource to vet the towns and counties you want to move to or work in based on crime, political leanings, race, cost of living, and other user demographics.
- Own not rent your own home be it a condo, townhome, house, park model home, cabin, shed to home, modular, manufactured, or mobile home. Stop being a rental slave cuck.
- Become completely debt-free as soon as you can (no credit card debt or school, business, boat, furniture, appliances, or car loans) with the exception of having a low-interest house mortgage worst case.
Always live way below your means and stop trying to impress people or pump your ego with so much material crap.
- Become a gun owner. Get properly trained on how to use it and practice often in the rain, extreme heat, cold, and wind and from your knees, standing and laying down.
Everyone needs at least three guns (a handgun, a shotgun, and a scoped hunting-type rifle) and ideally four or more (AR or AK-47 tactical-type rifle).
The average U.S. gun owner as of 2020 owns eight guns.
Also, look into buying an easy-to-use crossbow because bullets will eventually run out no matter how many you have.
- Put all the guns that you own into Gun Trusts. I can't stress doing this highly important step in the scary gun times we now live in. The best Gun Trust lawyer in the country lives in Texas (of course he does) and he only charges a one-time $300 fee to set up your Gun Trust if you live in Texas and $79 for the other 49 states at
He's also a gun collector, firearms instructor, and a class 3 firearms dealer. The protection, privacy, security, and flexibility you have inside a Gun Trust compared to having the gun ownership in your name is staggering. How every legal gun owner in America doesn't have one of these yet is insane.
- Start learning, implementing, and buying like you and your family’s life depends on it (it does) basic common sense practical prepping and self-sustainability practices like long-term food storage (pressure canning, dehydrating, mylar bags, and oxygen absorbers bucketing), home security systems (motion detectors, solar flood lights, alarms), build or join a local militia network, build your own septic and well water system, rainwater collection system, gardening, solar generator systems, buy drones and water purifiers like Berkey water filters, outside and open campfire cooking, sewing, hunting, fishing, butchering, trapping, bush crafting, camping, homesteading, and off griding TEOTWAWKI, SHTF, and survivalist tactics, tricks, systems, best practices, and techniques to protect yourself, family, friends, home, and pets. They're thousands of good prepper, homesteading, farming, and off griding blogs, podcasts, and YouTube channels that give hundreds of thousands of hours of free real-world information.
- Go get CPR, first aid, and first responder certified in your local area.
- Buy a Costco and/or Sam's Club membership because sheeple solely rely on grocery stores, pharmacies, and stores like Walmart and Target to get food and home necessities that will always run out in a few days when SHTF. Warehouses are built for bulk buying while other stores are not (this was COVID proven). Sam's Club is only $45/year and Costco is $60/year.
- Consume several HOURS of content DAILY (books, eBooks, podcasts, audiobooks, videos, documentaries) that inspires, educates, and helps you build a better life for yourself and become a stronger, more intelligent, more successful, more creative, more prepared, and a more formidable dangerous informed human being.
- Buy and stockpile actual physical books (not eBooks) and DVD movies (buy a portable rechargeable DVD player like I have and they go for like $125-$150 new) because blacklisting, banning, and digital book and movie burnings are already happening, and erasing your Amazon, Apple, Google Drive content, or computer of all its content is easy to do. Plus, no electricity equals no access to what's on your computer or electronic devices.
- Unplug yourself from the deep state surveillance state the best you can (it's not really possible or doable) by using the Brave and TOR Browsers instead of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Silk (Amazon tablets), or Internet Explorer/Edge.
- Delete all your Hotmail, Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, AOL, Apple, Comcast, or other big corporation email accounts and instead only use FREE encrypted email providers like (based in Switzerland so it's outside of the 14-eyes and EU) email accounts. Look into buying an encrypted Purism Librem 5 phone and not continue using deep state-controlled Apple or Android-based spying cell phones.
- Get webcam covers (3 for $10 on eBay) to put over all your computers, tablets, internet TV, and cellphone cameras. Or just use a small piece of black electrical or duct tape (tape FYI is not good for cellphones I've tried because of all the constant friction and heat of taking your phone out of your pocket) to cover all your device webcams.
- Get a non-14 eye (5 eyes + 9 other countries) country-located VPN service to cloak your IP address for security and privacy. The price is only around $8-$12/month. Don't use PIA (the most popular one in the U.S) or any service located in the U.S. or in the EU.
- Use free encrypted or apps for online chat or texting instead of your non-encrypted default unsafe Android or Apple text system and never use Skype, Facetime, or Google Hangouts for personal or political usage.
- Install free HTTPS Everywhere, Privacy Badger, Ghostery, Decentraleyes, uBlock Origin, Cookie AutoDelete, and Ad Blocker extensions on any internet browser that you use.
- Get off all legal BigPharma toxic death drugs and stop constantly numbing yourself with illegal and legal drugs and excessive booze. If you're on medication that requires refrigeration (diabetics) you need to go buy a mini-fridge ($40-$100 used off Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace) and a low-cost portable solar system that can power your mini-fridge long term if your electricity ever goes down for an extended period of time.
Plus, 90% of all BigPharma root drugs and creation comes from India and China. When Asian WW3 kicks off sometime between 2023-2025 IMO YOUR meds will go bye-bye.
Also, look into small propane and battery-powered mini-fridges. You must face and feel your pain and demons not hide and run away from them with the crutch of addictive BigPharma or illegal death drugs, and binge boozing and eating.
- Stop smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco. Dying slowly and painfully from cancer, I promise you won't be fun for you or your family.
- Try to do some form of exercise daily and eat, buy, and grow yourself (best option) as much organic, fresh, natural, and locally grown food as possible. Look into raising meat rabbits, ducks, goats, jumbo quail, and chickens in your backyard or on your property, and make as big of a garden as you can for some long-term food self-sustainability for you and your family. Try lobbying for and creating a large community garden on your block or neighborhood.
Also, look into taking supplements like Resveratrol, Vitamin D + Vitamin K, Maca Root powder, Metformin, Krill Oil (way better than fish oil pills), creatine monohydrate, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), MCT Oil, collagen peptide powder or pills.
Look into using cryotherapy chambers, cold plunge tubs, cold vests (I just bought one of these), hyperbaric chambers, intermediate fasting (14-20 hours per day), fasting (1-5 day water only fasts), infrared full spectrum saunas, colonics, red light therapy, prolotherapy, Normatec compression therapy, hypnosis, acupuncture, IV drip therapy, dry needling, stem stell therapy, using rebounders, isolation/float tanks, and PRP therapy.
- Bank with local credit unions not big globalist banks like BOA, U.S Bank, Wells Fargo, PNC, Chase, Citibank, SunTrust, or Capital One. Regardless only keep the bare minimum in your bank that you need to pay your monthly set bills the rest keep out of any banking instrument (CDs, treasury bills, checking, saving, and money market accounts).
- Join online and offline free and paid coaching,, mentoring, and mastermind groups for whatever type of personal or business things you want to do, be, or get better at. Surround yourself with people that have what you want in life or know what you want to learn and master.
- Use burner app cell phone numbers ( and never give your real cell phone number out to anyone including your family, friends, co-workers, or clients, or give it to any company online or off. $5/month.
- Use Vanilla Visa cards (requires no real name or address), cash, or crypto when you purchase certain red-flagged books, eBooks, courses, seminars, workshops, (anything about guns, survivalist/prepping, homesteading, off-griding, self-defense, anti-government, anti-Big Pharma, anti-BigAG, history), donate money to people and groups or buying weapons.
- Get a P.O. Box or UPS Store mailing address to put on your driver's license (use a UPS Store mailing address with no PO Box if your state doesn't allow actual PO Box addresses) and where all your mail gets sent to. Cost $15-$35/month depending on where you live in the U.S.
- Get a dog (s) for unconditional love, companionship, affection, an alarm system, and possibly protection. When you're alone you only focus on yourself and 90% of the self-hating, loneliness, pain, and depression comes when you only focus on yourself and your own life. If you can't have a dog right now because of where you currently live then go volunteer at a local pet shelter or animal hospital. Puppy love and cuddles are the best love and cuddles.
- Start your own business and video channels, podcasts, websites, forums, and blogs. You have things to say so let the world hear it. A good and easy (plug and play) Blue Yeti microphone for podcasting or video voiceover work can be bought for $50 used or around $100 new on eBay.
- Buy, shop, and eat locally and in your own state as much as you possibly can. I can't stress this enough instead of buying from mega globalist corporations and franchise chains that outsource everything to third-world countries. Buy direct from local farmers, ranchers, neighbors, homesteaders, and people at Farmer's Markets.
- Get a good wireless motion-sensing home security system with cameras and solar-powered floodlights.
- Buy yourself a second fridge and chest freezer so you can store and freeze more food, especially meat, and veggies in long-term bulk.
- Get yourself and your family bulletproof vests and various helmets and body armor. A decent bulletproof vest plate carrier can be bought for $75-$100 (not including the armor plates which I recommend level 3+ or level IV).
- Get yourself a good military-quality gas mask and NATO cartridges (I use Mira Safety and they are based in Texas). The real bad viruses and biological weapons are still to come.
- Never buy or install Alexa, Google, Apple Home or Ring, or any other interior or exterior BigTech BigGov tyrannical spying device in your home or office. Judges have already set the precedence to allow anything you've ever said out loud or ordered that is recorded by the Saron all-seeing and hearing devices can and will be used against you in the court of law.
- Learn a martial art or boxing, or take a self-defense class of some kind and always carry a knife, taser, or pepper spray regardless if you conceal or open carry a handgun or not.
– Forgive yourself and love yourself unconditionally for the biologically born sex, race, and nationality that you are. Never feel for one second one single ounce of guilt or shame for being born who you are or where you were born.
Carpe Sith Skol Diem
Truth Whisper