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2024-09-26 08:19:06

Jon on Nostr: Just came across this great tweet from British MP Rupert Lowe. "I actually think the ...

Just came across this great tweet from British MP Rupert Lowe.

"I actually think the biggest scandal of them all is how Labour AND Conservative MPs forced the country into house arrest, decimating the economy and ruining millions of lives in a failed attempt to control an uncontrollable virus.

Wasting hundreds of billions of pounds to proactively destroy our economy. My grandchildren will be paying off that debt - for what?

Our incompetent establishment allowed infected individuals into the care system, one of the few places that needed robust protection - like fireships into the Spanish Armada, with similar brutal results. All whilst the rest of the population were terrified into ignoring symptoms of cancer and whatever else. Those who did attempt to get NHS help? Many couldn't even get past the GP surgery's front door. It was a disgrace.

Thousands 'stayed' home to 'protect' the NHS - it killed them.

All that money was funded through reckless quantitative easing, which is largely responsible for the cruel inflation we have all been suffering. Just another lockdown consequence...

What did we get in return?

Vast NHS backlogs, rife mental health issues, soaring alcohol-related deaths, obesity booming, children's development wrecked, long term illnesses mounting, increased substance abuse, domestic violence on the rise, unnoticed child neglect, fathers missing the birth of their children, elderly loved ones left to rot and die alone.

We weren't even allowed to properly mourn the dead.

The wicked list is endless.

Years were stripped away from young men and women. Imprisoning students and youngsters in cramped rooms, when they should have been out enjoying life. Criminalising fun.

None of it was based in any science, certainly not vaccinating almost the entire population - including, disgracefully, young children. Forcing the COVID vaccination on tens of millions who had absolutely no need for it whatsoever - and there was clear risk, as we have tragically seen.

The vaccine did NOT prevent transmission. We know that now, and we knew that then. It should always have been a free and fully informed choice.

Politicians swanned around, telling us all the show was for the 'greater good'. It became rapidly apparent, following the initial hysteria, that the whole circus was one desperate attempt for politicians to be seen to do 'something'.

All driven by polling, all driven by politics. Small men, with big egos, taking immense joy and satisfaction from such a bitter taste of power.

A detestable period of our history. Let's not forget - this was only a few short years ago. You know what? There are many that want it to happen again.

Rightly get angry about free gifts for this and that, or Conservative incompetence and corruption. I'm furious.

But let's not forget the biggest scandal of them all - the establishment's poisonous COVID response. Nobody wants to talk about it in Westminster. Why? Because their fingerprints are all over it.

Sweden showed us the way. Anders Tegnell is a hero. A genuine global hero.

I will do whatever I can in Parliament to fight for the truth. Not the sanitised COVID inquiry's conclusion, but the real ugly truth. I've questioned Ministers on whether a full cost/benefit analysis was conducted on each and every nonsensical restriction - of course it wasn't. They don't care.

The entire COVID response was a scandal. I’m still furious about it, and you should be too.

We need to uncover the true damage, or it will undoubtedly happen again."

#COVID #lockdown #uk

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