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Kind 9802
"There is nothing wrong with working in the fiat mines and humbly stacking sats. It’s one of the most important things you can do." This is a highlight created on https://highlighter.com
Author Public Key
Published at
2023-09-26 20:49:10
Kind type
Event JSON
{ "id": "4f836881cf1f6510699ba9a3509fd1f28057be5186ab59d07f24737005b6922e", "pubkey": "6e468422dfb74a5738702a8823b9b28168abab8655faacb6853cd0ee15deee93", "created_at": 1695761350, "kind": 9802, "tags": [ [ "r", "https://dergigi.com/2023/03/21/bitcoin-s-meme-wars/" ], [ "context", "Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with working in the fiat mines and humbly stacking sats. It’s one of the most important things you can do. Stacking sats will give you freedom, control, and self-sovereignty. It allows you to maneuver yourself into a position of stability and strength, and before you know it, the simple act of humbly stacking and loving your future self will transform you." ], [ "alt", "\"There is nothing wrong with working in the fiat mines and humbly stacking sats. It’s one of the most important things you can do.\"\n\nThis is a highlight created on https://highlighter.com" ] ], "content": "There is nothing wrong with working in the fiat mines and humbly stacking sats. It’s one of the most important things you can do.", "sig": "07ede88a0da062a06559734443e1eba1fc37ea4be0a2da2ac3effa952db67d2baae59ecb097ba8950879b756287cb3e4cd4b587ab113993d3b4af521a37b6645" }