What is Nostr?
2023-05-10 09:36:29

popescu on Nostr: Server uptime: 387 days 20 hours 3 minutes 52 seconds Motto: 993 requests currently ...

Server uptime: 387 days 20 hours 3 minutes 52 seconds

993 requests currently being processed, 1471 idle workers
It's been a year since I deployedi the cluster currently serving Trilema -- slightly longer, I suppose, as the title readily attests. Coincidentally it's also been a year since Roosevelt-socialism abandonedii most trappings of republicanism, in favour of ye olde & well familiar "popular democracy" rehash -- slightly longer than that, I'm sure (just as I'm sure it felt way the fuck longer on your hide even while I barely noticed).
So... maybe it's time for some illustration worth 10`000 paper monies (the sort nobody wants for anything) ? Do you think ? Yeah ?
Wellll, ok then! Here :

Up top, Trilema traffic, as reported by some uninvolved third party. Down below, the fantasy of financial situations in socialism, as self-reported. Notice any kind of pattern or anything in there ?
How is it, do you think, that today like every day, that this year like the first year, we're still divided by the same line, and in the same manner : you trying to pretend you're me, me actually being me. What gives ?
And... well, wouldn't it be easier on your meagre faculties if instead of struggling under the overwhelming burden of trying to pretend you're me (while trying to pretend you never heard of me, and so on -- pretense never saturates, but forever yields the need for itself) you'd just... well, you know, plainly, simply, modeslty come to your natural station on Earth ?
Wouldn't it be a simpler life, to prostrate yourself before me ? Instead of trying as best you can to hold on to this shot-through, raggedy pretense that no-oh-no, you're you, there's such a thing to be as this "you", somehow (impossibly) something else besides mere idiocy... wouldn't it perhaps be more satisfying, for being more in tune with actual reality, for being naturally true, for being the overpoweringly self-obviously fact of the matter ?
What if in place of this dearly bought paid (yet never delivered upon) pretense to an individuality that's just not within your purchase, what if instead of all the herpitty-derp you simply gave up ? Isn't it tempting, to sleep, perchance to dream... ?
Anyways ; my infrastructure's again reaching saturation capacity, like it was last time I had to look at it. I feel about as disinclined to do something about it now as I did then, it's true -- but then again in the end I did do something then, so who knows, perhaps I will again.
Or perhaps I won't. Tell you what : if you're trying to read Trilema but there's no Trilema available for you to read, just do what the rest of "you" do, whenever that happens -- meaning, all the time. Why don't you just queue quietly and wait.
It's what you're for, after all. Isn't it ?

———In fairness I mostly managed & oversaw the deployment, which in some peculiar views is not exactly the same thing. [↩]In fairness, they didn't actually have the spit&vinegar to come out and claim it ; they go around pretending like "events" (by them imagined) in their unfurling forced their hand -- an altogether most Rapunzel take on things. The ever-raped, raped again, into something so unlike what they were of, or for.
Feminine "points of view", what can you do. [↩]

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Friday, 07 May, Year 13 d.Tr.
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