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David Colburn /
2023-08-14 19:38:47

David Colburn on Nostr: This is a sad #Mosstodon update. This wonder of a tree recently got removed from ...

This is a sad #Mosstodon update. This wonder of a tree recently got removed from Joaquin Miller Park, and is now just a palimpsest of wood chips on the dirt. I'm not sure why it had to go (any ideas npub1shxd6qvgzy86qj2x5k764y9jr6389h3ne6srr5qth38cu3yppllsl44s85 (npub1shx…4s85) npub1l5sh76epcypd73fmvnt34klvsn57u7xrdka7jjs3g267rq3d9rus2fc0n4 (npub1l5s…c0n4) npub1qyg8p87g2ygujhafqcs0yvqv53qq8nllc0rkmr699e4pdxx5p4xqmuuf04 (npub1qyg…uf04) ?), but at least I got some photos of it, so it can live on here for a while. #Oakland

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