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What's trending on Nostr over the last 24 hours?
quoting note1y4n…znwxPrimal users, we need your help!
Now that everyone has upgraded to Primal 2.1 (if you haven’t please do so), we want to focus on bug fixing and making Primal rock-solid. Please let us know of anything you find that isn’t working correctly, looks wrong, or that you find annoying.
Thank you! 🫡
quoting note1mar…ywakthey not like us 🕺🏆
quoting note13j2…tgw3I fucked up terribly... Im not gonna pretend like this isnt 100% my fault, i should have been more careful.
Lost all NIP5 domains (
Lost all balances (history / balance)
Lost LND wallet balance 10M+ sats (searching for wallet seed)
Lost VM configurations for, (non-recoverable, gonna have to just host current VMS for the next few months until i manually rebuild the database)
Lost all code hosted on (No backups, gone)
Somehow seems unaffected.... so i should be able to get that back up soon ish..
At this time im not sure what i can recover, my backup process hasn't been running for a while, this is going to take quite a while to attempt to recover...
The last good database backups i have are from Feb 2024...
Ill make this right one way or another, im happy to accept what people tell me their balance was or if you lost a NIP5 handle i will restore it, but its going to take some time to even get thinks back up and running so please be patient..
quoting note1edg…2dttGOOD MORNING NOSTR.
quoting note12z2…672qHey Anon, make some progress on that side project this week. No more excuses.
quoting note1fhd…w90nJulian Assange explains the 2025 USAID debacle, eleven years ago:
‘The received wisdom in advanced capitalist societies is that there still exists an organic “civil society sector” in which institutions form autonomously and come together to manifest the interests and will of citizens. The fable has it that the boundaries of this sector are respected by actors from government and the “private sector,” leaving a safe space for NGOs and nonprofits to advocate for things like human rights, free speech, and accountable government.
This sounds like a great idea. But if it was ever true, it has not been for decades.
Since at least the 1970s, authentic actors like unions and churches have folded under a sustained assault by free-market statism, transforming "civil society" into a buyer's market for political factions and corporate interests looking to exert influence at arm's length. The last forty years have seen a huge proliferation of think tanks and political NGOs whose purpose, beneath all the verbiage, is to execute political agendas by proxy.
It is not just obvious neocon front groups like Foreign Policy Initiative. It also includes fatuous Western NGOs like Freedom House, where naïve but well-meaning career nonprofit workers are twisted in knots by political funding streams, denouncing non-Western human rights violations while keeping local abuses firmly in their blind spots.
The civil society conference circuit—which flies developing-world activists across the globe hundreds of times a year to bless the unholy union between "government and private stakeholders" at geopoliticized events like the "Stockholm Internet Forum"—simply could not exist if it were not blasted with millions of dollars in political funding annually…’
Text from Sep 2014, before he was imprisoned in Belmarsh. Extracted from his book, “When Google Met WikiLeaks”. Full text and images for the first chapter are available for free here:
quoting note1ug5…hr73Gold is absolutely ripping.
Amazing to watch.
every $300 jump in the gold price is 1x entire Bitcoin market cap.
If gold can move up by several trillions of dollars in a year...
quoting note1mxq…d65s“Their debt is your problem until you own bitcoin. The moment you own bitcoin, their debt is your greatest asset.” - Porter Stansberry
quoting note1puv…29gqGOOD MORNING NOSTR 🫡
quoting note1fus…4g9mProton Wallet is now available for all!
We onboarded over 100,000 users during early access and received plenty of positive feedback; thank you.
Now, we're making #Bitcoin easily accessible. Anyone can sort, store, send & receive Bitcoin, regardless of experience level.
We hope to empower millions of people worldwide to use self-custody Bitcoin safely.
You can start using Bitcoin by creating a wallet at or downloading the Proton Wallet mobile apps for iOS and Android.